According to CÖF-CÖKA, the mayor of Budapest is considered to be the leader of the opposition parties. They can do it, because this person is unworthy of his position due to his lack of expertise and leadership qualities. He puts his political ambitions ahead of his job duties.

He wanted to make up for his incomprehension and human shortcomings by employing a large number of subsistence party politicians. The result is a catastrophic bankruptcy after several years of management.

Budapest and the many thousands of citizens who travel in every day find it intolerable that all they get from their tax forints is the traffic chaos and the belated stubs of the investments prepared by the previous mayor.

Gergely Karácsony lost his way as the mayor of Zugló, as mayor, and as a party politician, citing the popular card game. His former party is barely recognizable anymore, and he has seriously lost the trust of the capital's population. His measures go awry one after the other.

Under the pressure of Ferenc Gyurcsány, he made the City Hall a payment place for the apparatchiks of the opposition parties. Instead of conducting professional consultations with the reigning government and producing useful constructions for the joy of the citizens of Budapest, he neglected public utility services and made the capital's traffic unusable.

In opposition to the government, which represents two-thirds of the electorate, together with the opposition parties, it is working to ensure that the Hungarian people do not receive the rightful EU subsidies. He persisted with his representative in Brussels, Benedek Jávor, as well as with Katalin Cseh, Gyurcsány, and Anna Donát, and they are lobbying so that the EU money due to the Hungarians does not go to the state coffers, but directly to the municipalities they prefer.

Hotbeds of corruption would be created, municipalities directly corrupted by European Union funds would function similarly to NGOs stuffed with Soros support and the dollar left.

This unfair game of "here is red, where is red" and the selling out of the capital and the country must be put to an end.

In 2024, one year from now, we can turn our beloved capital upside down in the municipal elections. It has already been done once since the regime change. István Tarlós put the needs of the population of Budapest before party political interests. He protected taxpayers' forints, invested in construction, and made contractors compete in accordance with the law.

The investments beautified the city, he did not regret the force if he had to have professional discussions with the government. Compromise was always reached and never turned into a political war.

This proven path must be continued. The easiest way would be for Gergely Karácsony to resign, acknowledging his incompetence. He would leave where there is no way to cause damage, or possibly to the DK.

The time will come when we can elect a new mayor who will not bankrupt Budapest through careful management. We recommend a patriotic, creative candidate for the FIDESZ-KDNP, whose first task is not to sell the workplace he owns by asking mumbling opposition leaders to sell.

Let's preserve our traditions, appreciate our monuments. The new mayor should put the reconstruction of the City Hall on his banner, revive the idealism of István Széchenyi. Think of the words of Ferenc Kölcsey: "Make, create, grow". Bring an open approach and leadership culture to the City Hall, keeping in mind the interests of the country and the population of Budapest.

Presidency of CÖF-CÖKA