Italy's leading politicians demand his immediate departure.

Jens Stoltenberg should apologize or resign, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini said on Sunday, calling the suggestion of an attack on Russia unacceptable.

The head of the League reacted to Jens Stoltenberg's statements that the NATO countries could relax the restrictions imposed on the use of the weapons they supply to Ukraine against targets on Russian territory.

It is crazy to think that we send our sons to die in Ukraine, or to use our weapons to kill in Russia, said the politician of the Roman government.

If they want to go to fight in Ukraine, go Stoltenberg, Emmanuel Macron and all the bomb-mongers who want war. Stoltenberg also speaks for me as he represents NATO, apologize or resign. The Italian people did not authorize him with any mandate to go to Russia to shoot.

As he said, it is dangerous for those who speak about new types of weapons, which should be used to target another country and kill people elsewhere.

From the beginning, we have been helping Ukraine with military, economic and humanitarian support, taking in women and children fleeing the war, he explained.

The Italian Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, emphasized that Stoltenberg leads an organization, and any decision requires the vote of the leaders of the NATO member states.

Stoltenberg's opinion is legitimate, but at the moment it is considered a mistake to increase the dramatic tension. Let's help Ukraine defend itself in order to avoid the outbreak of the third world war, and let us leave open the possibility of establishing peace as soon as possible - declared Crosetto, a politician of the right-wing government party Italian Brothers (FdI).

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said that the Italian weapons sent to Ukraine should be used inside the country.

We are members of NATO, all decisions must be made as a body - emphasized Tajani, from the government party Hajrá. Head of Italy (FI).

The president of the opposition Five Star Movement, former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, said: “Stop! They led us straight into World War III!”

On behalf of the left-wing Democratic Party (PD), European Parliament candidate Domenico Tarquinio, former editor-in-chief of the Catholic daily L'Avvenire, stated that he does not trust "gentlemen like Stoltenberg, I don't believe him and I don't trust him any more than Putin."


Cover image: Salvini does not ask for the war in Ukraine and demands the resignation of Stoltenberg
Source: X/Matteo Salvini