The Hungarian foreign minister pointed out that they want to send Central Europeans, including Hungarians, to the war with compulsory conscription, adding that his European colleagues do not shy away from the threat of nuclear war.

Crazy ideas about the introduction of mandatory European conscription are unacceptable, the government will not allow under any pretext to send young people from Central Europe, including Hungarians, to the war in Ukraine, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Monday in Brussels.

At the press conference following the meeting of the Council of Foreign Affairs of the European Union, the head of the ministry reported that the ministers of the member states met for the last time until the election, and this final countdown unfortunately brings with it an increase in the war atmosphere, the vast majority of the participants want to send more money and more weapons to Ukraine , which would only result in more destruction and more victims.

More and more crazy ideas are coming up, and clearly the vast majority of European Union member states cannot be dissuaded from them, he said, citing as examples the sending of soldiers and the proposals to use Western weapons against targets in Russia.

Here they talk positively about the initiative, which is about NATO member countries shooting down Russian missiles over the territory of Ukraine, and here

unfortunately, the foreign minister's colleagues did not distance themselves from the threat of nuclear war either

- he added, then warned that such statements and such crazy ideas could have very dangerous and tragic consequences in wartime.

He also highlighted that the latest crazy idea is about the introduction of mandatory European conscription.

"And based on the situation, we understand exactly what this proposal refers to (.) The Ukrainian casualties are becoming more and more unbearable, they are not letting the men out of Ukraine, and now they want to conscript European youth into the war," he underlined.

"And obviously, as the escalation hits the neighborhood first, one can almost clearly hear the argument that soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity first. All this means that they want to send the young people of Central Europe, including Hungarians, to the war with the mandatory conscription," he opined.

However, we do not want to see Hungarian people on the front line of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and we do not want Hungarian youth to be taken to Ukraine, because this is not our war, we have nothing to do with this war, he added.

"We strongly call on all European politicians who are thinking about compulsory conscription to end it immediately! Hands off the Central European youth, hands off the Hungarian youth!" he announced.

Péter Szijjártó then touched on the draft of the fourteenth sanctions package against Russia, pointing out that the

in its current form, it is contrary to Hungary's economic interests, and it would also endanger the security of our country's energy supply, so the government is not willing to vote for it.

He explained that the measures in this form would deal a deep blow to the domestic agricultural and food industry, they would fundamentally threaten the way of paying for energy supply, they would make the Paks expansion much slower and more complicated, and they would seriously violate Hungary's sovereignty by giving rights to other member states when certain export licenses are granted. with the decision of the export authorities of the given country.

He then repeated his position that the thirteen packages so far have all failed, that these restrictions have done much more harm to Europe than to Russia.

The minister noted that he was under a lot of pressure from his colleagues, but he held firm to the government's position regarding the new 6.5 billion euros to be released from the European Peace Framework for the delivery of weapons to Ukraine.

"And there was a huge mess here, the German, Lithuanian, Irish, Polish and other colleagues fell to me in this matter, but this could not shake our position. No matter how Europe's pro-war politicians shout, no matter how they immediately issue the order to the international press about what should be written about a council meeting even while we are debating the agenda item, we will not give in to the pro-war pressure," he stated.

"We still stand by the need to make peace, to stop the senseless killing and to prevent the escalation of this war, so we still did not agree to the release of another 6.5 billion euros to finance arms shipments to Ukraine ” he informed.

In addition, in connection with this, he touched on the fact that Hungarian companies are still subjected to systematic negative discrimination in Ukraine, which, according to him, is completely unacceptable.

Finally, he stated that the government does not even support the discussion of the proposal, according to which the training mission of Ukrainian soldiers would possibly continue on the territory of Ukraine, as this could also pose a serious risk of escalation.

"We cannot expect the European Union member states to retaliate, so it is the people's turn, the Hungarian people's and the European people's turn, to put an end to all the madness that is being said here in connection with a nuclear war, the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine, on June 9 and the sending of European forces to Ukraine", concluded the Hungarian Foreign Minister.


Cover photo: Péter Szijjártó
Source: Facebook/Péter Szijjártó