The outbreak of a criminal case comparable to the Quaestor and Buda-Cash scandals apparently caught the left's messiah by surprise.

Disappeared billions, underworld methods and threats, more than a thousand abandoned victims, convicted criminals - this characterizes the series of frauds, the waves of which are slowly burying Péter Magyar's signature Tisza Party. In one of the largest pyramid schemes of the past decades, covering the entire country, the names of two key members of the party also surfaced. The explosion of the criminal case comparable to the Quaestor and Buda-Cash scandals apparently caught the messiah of the left unexpectedly, but the question is, what could he have known about the role of the economic leader and confidant sentenced to many years in the case, as well as the founder of his party, in the scandal.

A few weeks ago, the news broke that S. Mária, one of the closest confidants and economic leaders of Péter Magyar, who presents himself as an anti-corruption fighter and advocates the purification of public life, was sentenced to several years in prison for his participation in a series of frauds that harmed 1,200 people.

The threads of the pyramid scheme, similar to the Buda-Cash and Quaestor scandals, go back to the 2010s and to a pair of twins from Nagykáta, who are also well-known in the celebrity world.

F. Attila and his brother, F. László, as well as the criminal organization they created, which included S. Mária, beat countless people. The twin pair collected eight billion forints promising a good investment, but they paid back barely 1.5 billion in the form of capital or interest to the deceived people. The network lured investors with interest rates of ten to thirty percent, which were paid to only a few people.

The money was mostly handed over in plastic bags, including at gas stations, in front of the BankCenter or in the parking lot of shopping malls, all to the detriment of small citizens and small pensioners. Since then, the authority has not been able to trace the missing billions.

Among the defrauded people were many celebrities, but the documents of the case also reveal that the brother of a well-known Hungarian billionaire also fell victim to the fraud. It should be noted that the criminal gang also did business with underworld money, its leaders also borrowed significant sums from some well-known figures of the Hungarian nightlife, but later they were unable to account for the sums exceeding one hundred million in the requested time.

Because of this, serious threats were made to the leader of the criminal gang, but he managed to clear up the "misunderstanding" in the end.

Metropol, the first to write about the case, also revealed that S. Mária Vogel is the mother of Evelin, his Hungarian partner, whom the messiah of the left brings with him to many of his public appearances. S. Mária belongs to the narrowest staff.

He handles the bills, pays the suppliers, the stage equipment, the bodyguards, manages and manages the finances of the community suddenly inflated with hundreds of millions. Before going on stage, Péter Magyar typically spoke to him for the last time, highlighted Metropol.

During his criminal activities, the economic manager of Péter Magyar lied to the victims that he would invest the money in the media and film production, thus he would pay a higher return. The court verdict stated that he caused the greatest damage to a single victim after defrauding a single person of 108 million.

Some people were persuaded to sell their apartment so that they could "turn the money around", the paper previously wrote. Based on the court documents, Magyar Nemzet also wrote that, according to the final judgment, S. Mária caused a total of HUF 350 million in damage.

It is important to mention that when the pyramid scheme network was already collapsing, the leader of the criminal gang was arrested, and S. Mária, who was in close contact with him throughout, continued the confusing deals and persuaded several victims to "invest".

By the way, a final decision has already been made in the case, the mastermind of the fraud scandal was sentenced to eleven years, although Attila F. may be released from behind bars next year.

The mother of Péter Magyar's confidant and partner has been free for some time, but she also spent several years in prison.

It shows the lack of restraint of the leaders of the criminal organization: in order to eliminate as many people as possible, they also referred to their good public relations. Among other things, they also mentioned the name of a well-known, influential politician, with whom they naturally had no relationship. The politician in question even reported to the authorities that his name had been misused.

The scandal surrounding Péter Magyar's confidant, the mother of his partner, had not yet subsided, yet another bomb exploded: it turned out that Boldizsár Deák, who also knew S. Mária and was also burdened with a past as an agent, and the founder of the Tisza Párt, was also involved in the multibillion-dollar fraud series.

The court documents show that Boldizsár Deák's name also appeared in the series of crimes. Since the man was connected to several actors in the case, he obviously knew more about the series of frauds than an average person, although he only appeared as a witness in the trial as a victim.

However, from the material of the civil lawsuit he initiated, it becomes clear that the man participated with his real estate in the "investments" supervised by the criminal gang.

As stated in the documents, Deák was also in contact with the leader of the criminal organization, who promised him two to two and a half million forints per month for ten months in exchange for the registration of the mortgage, which he then did not pay. So on paper, the man is the victim of the series of frauds. However, it raises important questions, what was the reason for the troubled businessman to participate in such a risky business, even if he saw an excellent investment opportunity in the offer of the actors of the fraud series. The clear answer to this is none, unless Deák had insider information about the pyramid scheme.

The investigative authority could not prove this, in any case, it can generally be said that in pyramid schemes like this, after the fraud is exposed, the majority of those involved try to adjust their own role in such a way that they are only the victims, not the perpetrators of the crime.

An excellent example of this is the Kulcsár case that erupted in 2003 under the socialist government, in connection with which several defense lawyers stated that a "victim" should rather be on the dock.

Overall, it is important to state that both S. Mária and the only official witness Deák Boldizsár were in contact with the leader of the criminal gang, F. Attila. In fact, there were speculations in the media that it was S. Mária who suggested to Péter Magyar the Tisza Party founded by Deák Boldizsár, which could have been created in order to "hide" the wealth gained from the billions of crimes. Well, the actors were silent, and no proof of this has really been found so far, but it can be stated that the relationship between the actors is undeniable.

In addition to all of this, one more important thing should be raised: what could Péter Magyar know about the role of his two key people in the billionaire pyramid scheme?

It is hard to imagine that Evelin Vogel did not talk about her mother's past to Magyar even when the man stepped out into the limelight and entered the political field.

Not much is clear from Péter Magyar's statements in this regard so far, apart from the fact that he calls everything a lie. Of course, he never once dared to go into specifics, no question why: the court documents would refute him.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Péter Magyar, leader of the European Parliament list of the Tisza party
Source: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák