Rapport Richárd returns home to Hungary after two years. The same way he left the Hungarian colors two years ago: by changing the flag. A few weeks ago, the chess player himself denied that he had taken Romanian citizenship.

Rapport Richárd returns home from Romania after two years and is on the Hungarian team at the chess Olympiad held in Hungary in September. After a six-year absence, Péter Lékó also takes up the game. All we have to do is lure back Judith Polgár and Zoltán Almási, and then we could stand out with a team capable of hitting.

This was announced by the state secretary responsible for sports, Ádám Schmidt, at Monday's press conference, where the two outstanding Hungarian competitors also appeared. The state secretary emphasized that it is important to provide sports federations with conditions that allow them to prepare for major international competitions in the best possible conditions, and it has been his goal for a year that if Hungary hosts the Chess Olympiad, then the strongest possible team attend the event.

Lékó returns after six years

According to Péter Lékó, the return of the two came together almost miraculously. He added: he had his first conversation about this with Zoltán Polyánszky, the president of the Hungarian Chess Federation, on May 28 last year, and then in December Ádám Schmidt joined the negotiations, and this turned out to be a watershed. He admitted that he said no for a long time, because his condition was that he would only accept the role if Richárd Rapport was also in the team.

    "This moment is very touching for me, when a country trusts me so much and wants me to come back, it's a huge recognition. I'm happy to be here"

- said Lékó, who revealed that in November 2019 in Ulcinj, his last competition was at the European Cup with a team, together with Richárd Rapport. He added: he hasn't moved away from chess since then, he entered a team championship, he also had coaching duties, and he will do all he can to bring out the knowledge he has.

Once again, Rapport only changed flags, he did not take up Romanian citizenship

There was no buzz... At the press conference on Monday afternoon, it was announced that Rapport Richárd would return to Hungary after two years. The same way he left the Hungarian colors two years ago: by changing the flag. A few weeks ago, the chess player himself denied that he had taken Romanian citizenship.

So, the last two years have been a nightmare in his career, in his life. We hope, along with all its lessons.

Almost exactly two years ago, it was revealed that Rapport was continuing in Romanian colors. The Hungarian Chess Federation insisted on a three-month wait, so the then 26-year-old grandmaster finished eighth in the eight-person tournament of world champion candidates in the summer of 2022 while still wearing Hungarian colors, and then strengthened Romania at the Chess Olympiad. Professionally, despite the change, he was unable to advance, currently with 2715 Life Points he is only 29th in the ranking of the international federation, FIDE.

Rapport said at the press conference that the long-awaited moment has come, he is grateful to be here and very excited. When asked by MTI, he said

a big stone fell from his heart by being able to let go of a bittersweet feeling, and he thinks it will improve his game.

He stated: the only way to approach the Olympics is to win as the goal.

Zoltán Polyánszky, the president of the Hungarian Chess Federation, called Rapport's return a milestone in the history of Hungarian chess and "an event that could not have happened better to us". He reminded him that Rapport and Lékó last played together in the Hungarian national team in 2014, and since then they have been team members separately once more. In response to MTI's question, he said that in May, Hungary was in 11th place among the national teams based on the Live scores, and now it will definitely move up by two or three places. Ádám Schmidt spoke more boldly, he hopes that the Hungarian men's national team will win a medal at the Budapest Chess Olympiad.

MTI / Hungarian Nation

Photo: Richárd Rapport (left) and Péter Lékó at Monday's press conference, in the middle Ádám Schmidt, State Secretary responsible for sport (Photo: Nemzetisport / Miklós Szabó)