Peter Vlaming was a high school French teacher in a public school in the West Point School District in Virginia when he was fired from his job for refraining from using pronouns that contradicted a student's biological sex. According to him, he did all this because it violates his religious beliefs. (In most Western languages, the personal pronoun "he" has masculine, feminine and neuter forms compared to Hungarian, in English, for example, he, she, it, and their inflected forms.-ed.)

Vlaming agreed to call the student by his preferred name and even encouraged all of his students to choose a French name for themselves so that the student would not feel left out. However, the school thought this was not enough.

The West Point school board voted unanimously to relieve Vlaming of his position. However, the teacher stated that he has not been able to find another teaching position in the state since then.

The case is before the court.

Virginia's highest court will rule on whether teachers can be required to speak in ways that conflict with their personal beliefs.

No government can force an employee to lie and contradict his conscience.”

Dalton, the French teacher's legal representative, said, adding, "We are grateful that the Virginia Constitution protects his rights, and we hope that the Virginia Supreme Court will uphold them."

Dalton noted that Vlaming respects the right of students and parents to have their own beliefs about gender ideology.

He only asks that they not force him to say that he believes in the same thing," he added.


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