"The Transcarpathian Hungarian issue is also a European issue that needs to be resolved", said László Kövér, the President of the Parliament, in his letter sent to the Reformed Church in Verbőc on the occasion of the renovation of its church, reaffirming that the Transcarpathian Hungarians can always and in everything count on the support of Hungary and the Hungarian nation. MTI.

In the village of Verbőc in the district of Beregsász, a thanksgiving service was held on Sunday on the occasion of the completion of the renovation of the local reformed church. The President of the Parliament greeted the assembly and the Transcarpathian Hungarians in a letter, which was read by István Gyebnár, the temporary charge d'affaires of the Hungarian Consulate in Beregszász.

Quoting the words of the Speaker Lajos Kossuth -

"the darkness is greatest when the dawn is near" - he said that the darkness is thickening again in Transcarpathia, Ukraine and Europe.

He recalled that during the establishment of Ukraine more than three decades ago, over the heads of the Transcarpathian Hungarians living in their homeland for more than a thousand years, "international superpower politics changed empires for the fourth time in seven decades" without their consultation.

The church in Nagykapornak was renewed during the external reconstruction worth a total of thirty million forints.

As a neighboring country, Hungary is interested in the creation of a sovereign, strong and democratic Ukraine, which is able to provide its citizens with the opportunity to prosper in their homeland. This was, and still is, the Hungarian national interest - said László Kövér.

For more than three decades, Transcarpathian Hungarians have been fighting through peaceful means to be able to organize their community life in an autonomous manner, as a loyal and value-creating state-creating community of Ukraine, but at the same time as part of the unified Hungarian nation, respecting the sovereignty of Ukraine, and being able to dispose of their economic resources freely and legally there should be respect for its culture and national dignity - he emphasized.

According to László Kövér, "they want to deprive the European nations - from Lisbon to Vladivostok - of their right to free decision-making in world politics, limit them in asserting their economic interests, and wring them out of their two-thousand-year-old Christian culture." For this reason, European people demand strategic autonomy for Europe, while respecting Western military and political alliances."

The interests of the Transcarpathian Hungarians are the same as the interests of hundreds of millions of European citizens, therefore, in his own rights defender's struggle, he can not only have the entire Hungarian nation behind him. László Kövér stated:

the Transcarpathian Hungarian case is also a European case waiting to be solved.

Regarding the outcome of the war that is currently taking place in Ukraine with firearms and with intellectual and economic weapons in the whole of Europe, he explained that those who have stronger weapons will not win, but those who have stronger faith.

Thanking the Hungarians of Verbőc and Transcarpathia for their steadfastness, the President of the Parliament explained: "sacrifice and perseverance born of faith will help the cause of Transcarpathian Hungarians and the European nations to victory."

"With the words of our freedom fighters, we wish Transcarpathia, Ukraine and Europe peace, freedom and harmony!" says the speaker's letter.

According to the Speaker, it is not the Russians who use gas as a weapon, but the European Commission through sanctions.

Sándor Zán Fábián, bishop of the Subcarpathian Reformed Church, who preached at the thanksgiving service, emphasized that despite the current serious situation, the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia has a future, but only if we listen to the word of Jesus and act according to his will.

Pastor Zsolt Molnár, who explained the history of the church built in 1828, said that in 1961 the Soviet government banned the service of the pastor, but the faithful came to pray and sing while it was possible.

In 1989, the congregation received the church back in a dilapidated state, which has been continuously repaired since then through public donations and joint work. This year, thanks to Hungarian government support and the voluntary work of the faithful, it was possible to completely renovate the roof structure.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Photo: MTI/Péter Lehoczky