There is no electricity for ten hours a day in several settlements in Transcarpathia. Due to the suspension of the electricity supply, they cannot even maintain basic services at an adequate level, so in the long term even the part of the country where there are no guns will become unlivable. Some people, including our informant, are trying to solve it with mobile aggregators, so that at least bakeries can operate and cook in the kitchens of kindergartens and schools. But not only were the lights turned off in the homes, there is no public lighting in several Subcarpathian settlements. According to the locals, accidents have happened to people trying to get to work in the early morning darkness. The power outages are explained by the fact that Russia has destroyed more than a third of Ukraine's energy infrastructure and that due to significant damage to the energy sector, the country's counties need to be periodically cut off. The shutdowns are allegedly carried out at the behest of the state energy provider. In addition, energy conservation is also required in Subcarpathia, which is checked by the authorities, going from house to house.

Although the fighting is still taking place far from Transcarpathia, life in the areas inhabited by Hungarians is getting harder every day. Up until now, the threat of compulsory conscription was the most threatening, which is why most people left Transcarpathia. Now, in addition to the raids - i.e. the search for conscripts and the increasingly frequent air raids - everyday life is also made difficult by the fact that there has been no electricity for a significant part of the day for about a week. According to our local contacts, there were days when the power supply was interrupted for 9-10 hours during the day, so they could practically do nothing. Refrigerators melted, machines did not work, and not only households could not function like this, but also factories, even bakery ovens, stopped working.

Since public lighting is also suspended, pedestrians and cyclists have suffered several accidents on busy roads. It is only thanks to luck that no tragedy has happened so far. In the meantime, a decree was issued obliging the population to use energy sparingly. Savings are also checked by the authorities, going from house to house. No one knows how this can be done, because the situation is so absurd. However, it is certain that if the inspectors can enter the homes with such an address, they can search anything, and they can also look for people who are required to be in line.

Before the long weekend, the proposal that would tighten the border crossing even further went before the parliament. If the tightening is introduced, it will mean that everyone will be fingerprinted at the crossing afterwards. The reports about the draft do not even hide its purpose: it is necessary to curb those who play tricks with dual citizenship, that is, that Ukrainian citizens who have also acquired Hungarian citizenship can get out of the country with a Hungarian passport, avoiding the queue.

Meanwhile, the incitement against the Hungarians continues without a break. The latest action of the Ukrainians is that, at the request of Zelensky, they want to award a posthumous title of national hero to one of the most notorious Hungarian-hating Ukrainian soldiers, Oleg Kucin, the founder of the Subcarpathian Svoboda Legion and the commander of the Karpatska Sics battalion. Kucin's extreme anti-Hungarian expressions caused indignation several times, but now they are outraged that the Hungarian members of the KMKSZ and the Subcarpathian Regional Council do not support his title of hero.

Oleg Kucin died on June 19, 2022 near Kharkiv after a direct hit in a firefight. Since 2015, the Karpatská Szics quasi-constantly threatened the Hungarians living in Subcarpathia. In 2016, a torchlight parade was held in Ungvár, chanting the rhymes "Késhegyre a Magyarok" and "Death to the Magyars". In 2017, it was announced that the actions of law enforcement agencies against separatism in Transcarpathia are not sufficient to ensure the territorial unity of the state in the region in the future. One of the main destinations of Karpatszka Szics has long been the Vereckei monument, which, according to the Transcarpathian Hungarian newspapers, has been proven to have been vandalized and desecrated several times. Oleg Kucin once stated that he will not rest as long as the monument to the Hungarians stands on the Vereckei Pass.

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