In the Ukrainian press recently, a fake news spread that Hungarian policemen treated a folk dance group of children roughly, and Hungarian border guards even took a gun on the dancers. Of course, it soon became clear that none of this was true, but Kiev's anti-Hungarian propaganda had its effect among Ukrainian commentators, who do not need the truth, but only another reason to justify their hatred of Hungarians.

Based on the police information, all checks were carried out in an orderly manner, and although at a certain point the passengers started to sing, they stopped at the request of the authorities. After everything was found to be in order, there was nothing to prevent the folk dancers from entering, so they were allowed to continue, and the firearm mentioned in the hoax was not found. If the police report wasn't enough, the police pointed out that a security camera recorded the entire entry, which can be viewed at any time.

Despite the explanation of the Hungarian authorities, the hoax spread and commentators appeared under the post of Oleh Melynik, the leader of the band. A real lynching atmosphere has developed, despite Hungary's assistance to Ukraine and Subcarpathia.

Since the outbreak of the war, Hungary has helped the Ukrainians a lot, opened its borders to refugees, and sent more than HUF 40 billion in aid and 117,000 tons of fuel to the country. In comparison, the comments below the post are more than cheeky.

Several commentators accuse the Hungarians of being pro-Russian and write racist statements.

Some say they are Hungarians

"Trans-Uralian f...szopoks, Putin's f...szopoks."

Or just:

"shame on these Putinist mindless assholes!"

Several people proved the territorial unity of Ukraine, among other things they wrote that

"Subcarpathian Ukraine, Lower Saxony Ukraine. All this is our land, Ukrainian land."

Another commenter went even further, writing:

"We will show the Hungarians who is the boss in the Carpathians! To battle!!! The bullet in the forehead is the bullet in the forehead!”

Source: Mandarin

Cover photo: Facebook