A new Péter Jakab impersonator is spreading his wings in the Parliament. Dávid Bedő, the representative of the Parliament of Momentum, seeks the laurels of the ex-President of Jobbik, who switched to the People's Party. However, instead of the legendary leather jacket and jeans combo, he is wearing a black button-down white shirt without a tie, a solid, dark suit, and a huge face similar to his predecessor's. This will do for a start.

Of course, it is not worth dealing with politics without sufficient self-confidence. Mr. Bedő evidently drank more than he should from the deep well of self-confidence, as he rose to speak in the Honorable House radiating exceptional determination. The piece of paper he held in his hand hardly even flinched when, giving greater force to what he was saying, he spread his arms wide and rhythmically waved, impudently, like a self-satisfied prosecutor, questioning the prime minister about the size of his utility bills and his place of residence. In the same style as a certain Andrey Vyshinsky questioned the accused Nikolai Bukharin.

Of course, his gestures still have a lot to polish, but - there can be no doubt - he will soon catch up with Péter Jakab. The simplicity of what he has to say, similar to a cave drawing, does not even come close to that of the ex-jobbikos leader. Of course, practice makes perfect, with the diligence of Mr. Bedő, there is probably nothing wrong with him, he also has a mirror at home, at least he should think about putting his glasses down. In doing so, he looks much more like an overburdened tax inspector than a simple and great advocate of the people.

There's no shame in learning, Péter Jakab's previous parliamentary speeches are easily available, with the help of some practice and a good contact lens, you can surpass the master. Sooner or later, MP Bedő will also be experienced enough to chew on Paris in public.

From here, the bag of potatoes is only a small step away.

Source: 888.hu

Featured image: MTI