Until we elect leaders who have the courage to end the notion that some people have a special right to the country they live in, there is no hope of reversing the cultural decline that is the root cause of due process abuse. - stated former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

The decline of the West is behind all discussions about the corrupt activities of the courts, something about curbing power, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott pointed out at a conference jointly organized by the Danube Institute, the Center for Fundamental Rights and The European Conservative magazine on Monday.

Tony Abbott said: in leading democracies, parliament once made the laws and the courts decided what was illegal in a country. The Westminster system worked because the government branches respected each other's prerogatives, the legislators worked in cooperation with each other, the public service was accountable to the government, and the courts did not question the government's decisions, he explained.

On the other hand, in "Biden and Trump's America", election results are not respected, in Australia and Great Britain a revolving door phenomenon has developed around the position of prime minister, prosecutors and courts often become agents of injustice instead of practicing justice, he pointed out.

Faced with the challenges of military dictatorships, Islamist regimes and communist dictatorships, Western democracies are weak and divided; they were militarily, industrially and culturally degraded.

In his view, Russia is able to gradually "grind" Ukraine because the allies of the Kyiv leadership are only trying to avoid defeat, not to ensure victory. On the one hand, this is due to the Russian nuclear threat and, on the other hand, the internal division of the West, which is unable to decide which people it is responsible for, he added.

Similarly, Israel is reluctant to wreak more havoc in Gaza and destroy Hamas because its allies cannot distinguish between a liberal democracy waging a just war against terrorists and an "apocalyptic death squad" using civilian deaths, he explained.

He pointed out that the global institutions also accuse the leader of Israel of war crimes on a wrong moral basis. This moral confusion, he sees, stems from a campaign by the establishment left to teach a generation of students to view issues from the perspective of the oppressors and the oppressed, and to view Israel as a privileged white state. This mentality is also responsible for the development of the permissive immigration policy that created Islamist subcultures in Western countries, where religious solidarity is the most important thing for immigrants, he pointed out.

The decline of the West is behind all the debates about the corrupt activity of the courts, something about curbing power

- he explained, emphasizing that this is the debate about the rule of law, which over time turned into a debate between lawyers. Whatever distinguishes today's leaders from one another - be it business or academic life, the legal sphere, the military, the church or politics - it can only be traced back to character, courage or conviction in rare cases - he emphasized.

The former Australian Prime Minister pointed out:

the European Union tries to suppress countries whose policies it does not agree with, citing the rule of law.

Unlike the usual legal form, he called this a form of administrative harassment. He added: former American President Donald Trump is being harassed by courts and institutions, which in this case caused sympathy among voters for a candidate full of flaws and further damaged trust in the institutional system.

Until we elect leaders who have the courage to end the notion that some people have a special right to the country they live in, there is no hope of reversing the cultural decline that is the root cause of due process abuse.

he stated.


Cover image: Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott gives a speech at the conference jointly organized by the Danube Institute, the Center for Fundamental Rights and the magazine The European Conservative in the Lónyay-Hatvany villa on May 27, 2024.
MTI/Koszticsák Solid