One of the characteristics of the extreme left is that it sees everyone who is to its right as a Nazi. (And whoever is to the left of him falls!) Especially if someone puts the nation before everything else. The extreme left is internationalist. He can't and doesn't want to do anything with the nation, so he wants to dismantle it. He doesn't see values, he just destroys.

In Gyurcsány's Facebook post, he tries to bring out the intellectual form. He brags about the books of big names he has read (if he has read them at all) and reflects on taking responsibility for universal humanity.

In his thoughts, the desire for the messianic political rescue of the "universal human race" emerges. But this is a wrong idea. It failed with the Soviet Union, in fact, it may have already failed when it was invented. That is why Nazism remains the ultima ratio. It's a pitiful intellectual standard, but anyone who wants to be a savior gets here. That is not the task of man or politics. (This is why it is dangerous if the transcendent is left out of a person's worldview. It inevitably loses its role in its lost ground.)

Even the honest leadership of a nation is a task that tests human abilities to the limit. Above all, it requires the love of the nation, the love of the values ​​that we received from our ancestors and carry on (not to mention that not only we carry on the values, but they also carry us on). He is not a Nazi who puts the love of his nation before the bulbous, nowhere-leading delusions of thinking about universal humanity.

Anyone who thinks about this forgets that he receives his authority from his nation. He forgets that he is primarily responsible for those who entrusted themselves to him. And so it is no wonder that it becomes a puppet of foreign interests in no time.

This is not only a problem in Gyurcsány's thinking. The entire left is suffering under the weight of this foolishness. It is enough to look at Márki-Zay, who perhaps does not understand what is wrong with foreign money.

On the other hand, the nation will never have an interest in electing globalist politicians. It will never be in the interest of dissolving into some internationalist utopia, to throw away its values ​​and characteristics and discard the knowledge and faith of its ancestors.

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source:üller Márton Imre

Featured image: Instagram