More than half a year after the amendment of our child protection law, Sleeping Beauty unexpectedly woke up in the misery of the presidency of the Hungarian Psychiatric Association and the Hungarian Psychological Association, and rising from the stone pillows of her prison bed, she took up a pen with the last expression of her presidency. In his great effort, he did not involve the most interested professional and civil organizations dealing with children and families in formulating his position, especially the Hungarian Society of Child and Youth Psychiatry. We can also say that adults took the decision regarding children into their own hands. Just as the text condemning the amendment to the law fell out of the blue in the professional society itself, in addition to the narrow presidency. It would be an exaggeration to analyze the propaganda text with scientific thoroughness. But I still have to mention his most important claims and try to correct them with my short professional and logical opinion; because not everyone is trained in psychiatry. And the average person could rightly assume that a professional body makes a competent statement.

What does this professional opinion say?

-Among other things, the fact that the development of gender identity "is not fundamentally and decisively influenced by environmental influences". Furthermore: "According to our current knowledge, sexual orientation is also largely influenced by biological factors." "The role of psychosocial effects is not decisive in addition to biological factors."

- That "it is a fact supported by scientific studies that just as many of the children raised by heterosexual couples become homosexuals, lesbians, or transgenders as those raised by homosexual couples."

- From all of this, he deduces that the gender identity and orientation of people with sexual disorders "are mainly determined by complex biological processes that they cannot influence or control." Therefore, this cannot be influenced by "environmental influences (e.g. education, "propaganda"). At the same time, the stigmatization of these parents and their children is clearly harmful."

Let's stop here and take a look at what we've done so far.

While medical science finds plenty of factors of spiritual origin in biological diseases, now here some soul healing people declare that there is nothing to be done with innate, biologically based endowments. And so that sexual disorders cannot be seen as pathological phenomena, they should be inscribed in their genes.

Contrary to the authors' claims, I must point out that there are no unbiased studies on the sexual behavior of children of heterosexual and homosexual couples. Even if this area of ​​life had not been included in the arsenal of politics, such an investigation would hardly have been feasible, since a sufficient comparison would require a control group balanced in all respects, as well as the follow-up of their individuals over a long period of time.

After that, the text becomes entangled in the contradiction that gender identity and orientation cannot be influenced by means of education and propaganda. It's a shame that, therefore, we can safely allow gender education by sugar uncles, aunts, etc. Because if not:

-"If the above topics are taboo, access to information is blocked" (that is, we do not send LGBTQ people to educate children's groups), "then the risk of developing anxiety disorders, self-injurious behavior, substance abuse, depression and suicidal behavior increases."

How it is? Identity, but anxiety, depression, and drug use are determined exclusively by psychological factors?

But the snap comes after that.

-"According to our resolution, in addition to the fact that stricter criminal law action against pedophile offenders is clearly and decisively necessary from the point of view of the protection of children, the LXXIX of 2021. act specifically endangers the mental health of some young people, to which we draw the attention of decision-makers with this resolution." How do they think this? Homosexuality is yes, pedophilia is not biologically determined? Can they do it, do they choose their own "fate"?

So, psychological influence has no role in the development of children's gender awareness, which is why propaganda can work (although according to them it is unnecessary). But if we keep this away from the child, it causes a mental breakdown - despite all his biological "blood"?! This is why they say that the horse's leg sticks out. Their claims are baseless and untrue. This may be the only reason why it was accepted by an outgoing presidency without a wider professional discussion (the flood is behind us). Now the only question is, what kind of force forced this political attack wrapped in tattered professional veils?

However, before anyone draws the cross water from my former professional community and the Psychiatric Association, I must say that the procedure and professional opinion presented so far, I see, has caused the same resentment from other representatives of the profession as it has from me. What could the new presidency of the MPT do after the coup? Not seeing the previous position as well-founded, he submits the issue to a broad professional debate.

Although it may seem like it's just rain, it's true.

Author: Dr. András Kelemen

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