Something as absurd as if it had already happened once, right?

"There are two dangerous nonsense about the situation in domestic public life. According to one of them (typically the opposition one), it is necessary to go all out and declare war on the Soviet Union as an Atlantic shell. This once worked so well in the last century that it would be better if we left it out," writes Gábor Megadja on Facebook regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

This reminds me of Ciano, the Italian foreign minister's diary entry. Indeed, on December 12, 1941, yielding to the urging of the German and Italian governments, Prime Minister László Bárdossy communicated his declaration of war to the US ambassador in Budapest, which means that Hungary entered into a state of war with the United States on our initiative. After that, according to Ciano, the following dialogue took place between the competent official of State Department

– Is Hungary a republic?

"No sir, kingdom."

"Then they have a king?"

"No, we have an admiral."

"Then they have a fleet?"

"No, because we have no sea."

"Do they have any demands?"


"Against America?"

- No.

"Against England?"

- No.

"Against Russia?"

- No.

"Then who do they have claims against?"

– Against Romania.

"Then they will also declare war on Romania?"

- No, sir. We are allies.

Of course, the dialogue was never spoken like this, in this form, it simply highlighted the absurdity of the situation.

Featured image: Archive - the contemporary front page of Népszava