So far and no more! - this is what the organizers of the demonstration will say to the leaders of Europe who are suffering from war psychosis during the Peace March to be held on Saturday, June 1 - said László Csizmadia, founder of the Civil Solidarity Forum (CÖF) and president of the Civil Solidarity Nonprofit Foundation (CÖKA). He added that the Peace March will take place in a situation when Paris, London and perhaps Berlin are also envisioning nuclear war, forgetting Hiroshima and Nagasaki. with Origo , he also spoke about the fact that the stakes of the June 9 election are none other than war or peace - life or death. Everyone is welcome to the Peace March, regardless of party affiliation, and participants will come not only from Hungary, but also from other European countries, who will march for peace. Interview with László Csizmadia.

So far and no more! – this is the motto of the June 1st Peace March. Why was this motto chosen?

If we take the principle of popular sovereignty as a basis and listen to the opinions of people living in European countries, it is clear that the people in all countries are against war. On the basis of opinion polls, it appears that the majority of the population of European countries want a ceasefire. From the point of view of mothers, this is a terribly serious issue, because their sons are not meant to be cannon fodder. However, the leaders of the European Union do not care about this - and neither do the majority of the governments that are currently in power in the countries of Europe. They are overwhelmingly pro-war and don't even dare to ask their own people what they think about war and peace - but we can safely say about life and death.

The West is currently thinking about widening the war.

Behind this is the United States, which keeps the bureaucracy of the European Union on a leash. The question may arise as to how the USA can keep those European representatives who were once elected by the people on a leash. Just like they don't even ask people anymore. They are no longer interested in the opinions of those who voted for them. In addition, corruption is rampant among the leaders of the union. Some of them are livelihood politicians who sell the trust they have received from the people in their own country for money.

Our answer to this is that so far and no more.

The madness of war must be stopped. We are facing an important choice: we can once again decide who we will send to the Union. People can express their will peacefully. Those who stand for peace should go and vote. If the peace supporters cast their votes, the balance of power in the European Union may change.

What is at stake in the June 9 election? What do I want to draw attention to at the Peace March?

The fate of the world is at stake. The idea of ​​expanding the war is gaining strength, and it has its vanguards: France, for example, but London and Berlin also forget what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when they talk about the atomic bomb. However, those atomic bombs had even less destructive power than the current ones.

The goal of the Peace March is to show Europe that the madness of war must be stopped. We are preparing for the world's largest pro-peace movement.

We welcome everyone, regardless of party affiliation or ideological constraints. The question of war or peace goes beyond party politics. When they talk about sending troops to Ukraine, we have to say so far and no more. By the way, our troops are in Ukraine because of Trianon. Hungarian boys are also killed at the front. In Transcarpathia, young Hungarians are captured and forced to the front. Looking at our history, we have many times the right to stay away from war, and we say: we should not be drawn into this conflict, because we know that every time we were forced into wars, the country always suffered huge losses. You must resist to the end. Many people may say that we are driving in the opposite direction on the highway, but it may even happen that we make the right decision. We are pro-peace, we are against war. Returning to the election on June 9: it was an opportunity for people to assess what each party has to offer, how they communicate, what they have done so far and what they promise. I trust in the wisdom of people. Those who have not gone to vote until now, only watched debate programs from their armchairs and trusted themselves to the majority, may now see what a serious decision we are facing.

In this historic situation, every vote is needed. Now the point is not which party gets how many votes, but peace or war, the future of our children and grandchildren is at stake.

You have to get up from your chair and cast your vote after thinking it through.

On the basis of what objective considerations can the voter decide on the vote?

The past and present of the various parties must be thoroughly analyzed. What they promised and what they delivered. This is extremely important for an objective assessment. We saw what happened between 2002 and 2010 in Hungary. The governments of Gyurcsány and Bajna not only sold the state assets, but also sold out our morals. They are still here and continue to make the Hungarian people miserable - regardless of the fact that they are not in power. Their representatives in the Union are working to ensure that Hungary does not receive the money it would otherwise receive. It is quite amazing that Hungarian politicians go to work in the Union in order to represent the Hungarian people, and then they work to ensure that the country does not receive the money due to us - that is, teachers, firefighters, doctors, the Hungarian people do not receive that benefit , for which they worked, hinder the development of the country, thwart EU investments, and I could list more. These representatives who work against Hungary have no place in the Union, because they do not serve the good of their country.

We need Hungarian representatives in the European Union who are at least in favor of peace and who represent the Hungarian people and regularly ask what those who elected them want.

It is not enough that the representative collects the euro worth several million forints, then sips in Belgian beer bars while talking about fashion with representatives of other countries, and not about the people they represent.

Hungarian EU representatives must represent Europe and Hungary - as our heart beats in the middle of Europe.

They must know why the bell is ringing at home, and with that fire they must stand up for Hungarian and European interests. Here, not only the future of Hungary is at stake, but also that of Europe. If the pro-war parties come to power in the Union and can be bought - let's not forget the financial benefits of Soros - then it is no longer just a question of who represents which party policy or ideology, but that the financial tycoons will take over the management of Europe - mostly from America - and they are advocating the spread of ideas that are very far from Judeo-Christian culture, and what is even more terrible, they want to expand the war. We must protect our culture, our economy and our security. Sovereignty also goes to Europe. Twenty years ago I said that the time would come when continents would compete with each other - economically. After all, the economy comes first, politics comes second. This was also the position of the founders of the Union. The economy defines our existence. When we live in prosperity, there is peace. If security is also a given, peace will continue to strengthen. Europe's security has also been at risk for years since the appearance of mass illegal migrants - and this also affects the economic situation of the countries and the Union. Huge damage is being done, which was not caused by the Hungarians. We were never colonialists. In Africa, in the Middle East, the colonizing countries robbed the peoples living there so much that they now left en masse for Europe - which they consider to be Canaan. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was the first to say that migrants should not be brought here, but aid should be taken there. The colonizers – such as the English, French, Dutch, Portuguese – must repay. Rather than watching the influx of migrants and the attacks, assassinations, and murders happening one after the other on the once peaceful European streets. What do we see now? Hungary would be punished, obliged to pay six million forints a day, because it built a fence to prevent Europe from being flooded by illegal migrants. This is absolutely absurd.

Returning to the issue of war: in 2012, when the first Peace March was held, they had no idea what this word meant today...

The 2012 Peace March had a "prime presentation." In 2009, when the CÖF was founded. Twenty of us sat at Imre Makovecz's, and Imre said: enough of the Gyurcsánys, something must be done. That's when we organized the first movement. We printed thousands of leaflets and put them on the windshields of cars, demanding early elections and inviting people to Hősök Square. It was wonderful, the country came together and at least 250,000 people came to our call. We were not able to achieve early elections, the governing parties at the time and Ferenc Gyurcsány did not want this in any way, as they would have failed immediately, so they extended another year and a half - but that in itself was a mockery of democracy, because after such a failure, which the Gyurcsány government took me through, all normality would have demanded that they resign. They didn't. In retrospect, I can see that Fidesz acted very wisely, taking into account the conditions of the rule of law. In a democracy, primary elections are necessary when the people are no longer patient enough to wait for the legal date of the election. From this point of view, the Hungarian people were also extremely wise. Then in 2010, Fidesz-KDNP won the election with two-thirds, and they started a huge job: they had to pull the country, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, out of trouble. They advanced with great strides. However, in the fall of 2011, we began to feel that the Orbán government was under political and financial attacks from Brussels. I didn't like the fact that a national government came to power in Hungary, and we actually got rid of our debts relatively quickly, and the country didn't even take out new loans. There was enormous pressure on Viktor Orbán. And we again organized a mass demonstration in 2012 alongside the government. A huge crowd came, the beginning of the march was already at Kossuth Square, and the end was at Hősök Square. The Prime Minister also thanked that movement and all the Peace Marches since then. Now we can thank him for stably managing the country since 2010, which is developing, safe, and continues to fight for Hungary despite the difficulties, and has created a significantly better life for Hungarians over the past 14 years - not only financially, but also morally. Think about it: Hungary is referred to by many people abroad. Moreover, in the corridors of the Union building, Fidesz representatives say that the Hungarians are right, but they don't dare to say it. This fear must be overcome.

If we are afraid, if we do not dare to speak our truth, then the pro-war will win.

The US is essentially waging a remote war with the Russians while colonizing. He is colonizing the lands, factories, and lives of the Ukrainians to such an extent that fifty years from now they will be paying back the many loans to America and paying for the weapons as well. In my opinion, Zelenskiy will have to give a serious answer one day as to why he thought that what he represents now is beneficial to the Ukrainians. The war must be stopped immediately - Viktor Orbán and, for example, Donald Trump are right about this - an immediate ceasefire would be necessary.

This is why they say on the opposition side - not only in Hungary, but also in Europe - that this would mean that Ukraine would give up and lose the war...

No, that's not what a ceasefire means at all. It means that the death factory will cease for a while. The two sides sit down and discuss the possibilities of peace.

If the Russians and the Americans say stop the war and talk about a ceasefire, many thousands of lives could be saved immediately.

Then negotiate - areas, opportunities, anything. And the positions may even converge. Meanwhile, an international team is needed to ensure that neither the right nor the left are fired during the ceasefire. Soon after the outbreak of the war, there would have been an opportunity for peace negotiations, but the USA did not allow it to Ukraine - even though that agreement would have been signed. In essence, they were driven into years of killing.

Let's go back to the June 1st Peace March: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that he will be there and will even give a speech...

We are very happy that the Prime Minister is also coming and speaking in front of the Peace March participants. We feel that, after 14 years, we finally have a mini mechanic who we can respect for what he has to say.

The Peace March is now only about peace, and we want to tell Europe that it is possible to stand up for peace.

Let's see how many people will come, what a crowd there will be, who all want peace. Let Hungary be the beacon. Hungarians and citizens of other European countries are also invited to come. Let them get on a plane or car from abroad, and come from Hungary by train, bus, tram or tram, and let's fill the streets and squares, let's be enough to show this kind of togetherness, the strength that has existed for so many years.

So are they expecting participants from abroad?

Yes, the Peace March will be international, since – as I have already mentioned – the future of not only Hungary, but also Europe is at stake here. It is already certain that they are coming from Italy, but 7-8 other countries have also indicated that they are coming to the Peace March.

In all European countries, attention should be drawn to sending pro-peace representatives to the Union.

Hungary will be the island of peace, and we are sending the message with the Peace March: come with us! The institutional system of the European Union must be turned upside down. Leadership should be in the hands of people who represent the interests of Europe. Europe should be as sovereign as its member states.

What exactly will be the scenario of the Peace March?

The meeting point for the event will be on June 1 at 11 a.m. on the Pest side of Lánchíd. The procession starts at 1:00 p.m. and reaches Margit Island via Széchenyi Square, József Antall the Elder Wharf, Jászai Mari Square and Margit Bridge. We are expecting a lot of people, as there has never been such a decisive Peace March before. It is also very important to mention that there were never riots at the Peace March, so everyone is welcome to come, even with families and children.

Source: Origo

You can watch the video of the Peace March press conference here:

You can watch our interview with László Csizmadia here: