If the campaign themes of the 2024 European Parliament election are analyzed one day, based on the programs, no one will think that this community and the world were in trouble at that time.

Twenty years ago, the first EP representative election was held in Hungary. Sensing the historical importance of the event, I traveled home from 1,100 kilometers to cast my vote at home, as a Hungarian European citizen. The emphasis was on Hungarians, as Hungarians in Europe. Later, to test my Europeanness, I voted twice in Germany, since these elections apparently had nothing at stake at the time, at least not at the national level. I went into the large voting booth and unpacked the sheets. It was impossible to review all the listed parties, there were thirty-two of them, a quarter of which I knew from the press, the rest I didn't. For example, there were parties for women, men, retirees and up-and-comers, pink (panthers) and gray (toothless lions). The panthers probably wanted to come to Brussels for the youth, the toothless lions to represent the rights of the elderly. Or rather to grab the campaign money, because they had no chance of a mandate.

The European Parliament, established in the name of democracy and equality, is a giant waterhead on the body of the Union. It overestimates its role and tasks, identifies it with that of national parliaments, and therefore continuously exceeds its powers. Not to mention that

the EP is a gathering place for 20th-ranked or even novice politicians who politicize on an ideological basis and not in the interest of their country.

It took the great migration wave of 2015 for people to open their eyes to this and do a bit of digging in the database of the Open Society Foundation. At the time, thirty percent of the EP representatives were listed by name in the database under the heading "reliable allies". In Brussels, twenty-five thousand well-paid lobbyists (entrepreneurs, associations, NGOs) keep the EU institutions under their influence. They have free access to EP representatives and various committees. We see the result.

Today, the European Parliament election is no longer an early summer joke, but a very serious matter. Migration and many other lobby interests have spectacularly divided Europe, and their influence is clearly visible in the seats of the European Parliament. The power of the once moderate center-right-dominated parliament has visibly weakened, and it has moved to the left, as if the sun shines better there. Five years ago, we thought that migration as a campaign theme would be a winner, since a normal European cannot want the continent to lose. But

against the interests of the continent, the progressive world envisioned a global problem, climate fear, to which many Europeans, regardless of gender, age and nationality, succumbed.

They also found a credible representative for the campaign theme, whom the already sensitized masses could immediately follow. After all, who dares to resist the will of a defiant looking, admittedly sick, uneducated girl child? Greta Thunberg was caressed, protected, followed by millions and made to believe that on Fridays she and her young followers are worried about the future of all of us. So the ikks was drawn next to the names of the parties supporting Thunberg. In the current EP, the proportion of representatives with conservative and national commitment does not even reach twenty percent, and they do not form a unified platform either.

No migration, no gender, no war! the Hungarian Prime Minister gave guidelines for Europe a year ago. For a long time, the opposing party could not find a relevant campaign topic, because

Viktor Orbán formulated what most European citizens want today: normality, peace and national self-determination. The left-green progressives represent the exact opposite of this, but they would need the votes of the electorate.

Flipping through the election program of the German parliamentary parties published at the beginning of the year, one sees that they live in a completely different world, in an alternative reality.

Among the German government parties, the socialists envision an external and internal enemy everywhere. The external enemy could be none other than Viktor Orbán, highlighted by name in the program of the Socialists. The internal enemy is the AfD, to whom the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is currently issuing a right-wing extremist certificate. It is dangerous to think that a party that thinks in terms of the sovereignty of member states, a Europe of nation states and connectivity, and the approximately 15 million German citizens who voted for it, are considered extremist and dangerous to the constitutional order in Germany.

The program of the Greens is at least as alarming.

They are the ones who want a United Europe, which of course means prosperity, justice, freedom and security. There should be a union in everything, i.e. centralization as it used to be called: in infrastructure, investment, renewable energy, prosecution, police, and even, according to the plans, in the creation of an EU communications agency! The new TASSZ (for the sake of younger people, the central news agency of the Soviet Union) will tell you what and how it can be made public. Let's not worry about what it would take for the European minimum wage and social security card, let's be happy that they promised it! In their Europe, there would be no ostracism, at most only us and those who think like us would be excluded or imprisoned as a punishment. Because Europe must be freed from autocrats and EU funds must only be paid in compliance with the rule of law and democratic principles. They will, of course, say what is the rule of law and what is democratic.

If the campaign themes of the 2024 European Parliament election are analyzed one day, based on the programs, no one will think that this community and the world were in trouble at that time. Because

they act as if there is no war, indebtedness, economic decline, as if there is no migration, Christian thought and culture are not in danger, the population is not decreasing.

(Let's say Germany's is not decreasing thanks to immigrants.) It's as if the politicians' eyes are blindfolded, their ears are waxed, they can't see, they can't hear. They build the "freedom and peace project" without mentioning the war, because they believe they have a responsibility to the German people and the future generation.

Of course, many small parties start again, thirty-two in number. Among them is the "Last Generation", the group of far-left climate activists who stick themselves to the asphalt on highways, airports and other conspicuous places, who go to museums to douse irreplaceable paintings with ketchup and other things. According to their program, the European Parliament would be used as a stage for similar protests. Of course, in the spirit of democracy. The scandal of the day is that next to the names of their candidates, the name "climate protector" appears on the ballot paper. This is their occupation. The other parties are now protesting because they feel that this gives the Last Generation an unfair advantage. The green identity can bring a lot of votes, since the minimum age for European Parliament elections in Germany is 16. They have been thinking about the introduction of the top for a long time, because old people should not decide on the future of others.

The author is a historian

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Cover image: MTI/EPA/Georgi Licovski