Illegal attacks based on false facts are now continuing in an even more aggressive form against Hungary in connection with the child protection law passed at the beginning of July, writes Eva Maria Barki in her statement sent to the Cicvil Solidarity Forum, but also to all German media and parties.

"Forbidden Stories, an organization founded in Paris in 2017, assumed two days ago that journalists, politicians and human rights activists around the world were being eavesdropped with the Israeli spy software Pegasus. They also referred to a list, according to which they could spy on targets belonging to more than 50,000 phone numbers. Taking advantage of this opportunity , they attack Hungary again, by eavesdropping and monitoring journalists and politicians.

The accusations come on the channels of the mainstream media - as we have become accustomed to - without checking the veracity and authenticity of the facts and statements.
It is a probable fact that the Israeli NSO GROUP TECHNOLOGIES software, which has been known for years, was made available to the states for the control of criminal and terrorist acts in a manner controlled and prescribed by law. Hungary is accused, in the complete absence of concrete justification and evidence , that they not only used the "Pegasus" but also misused it, according to which they spied on 4 journalists and 4 other people, and according to the opposition, there could even be 300 more potential phone numbers. .

They do not investigate how and, more importantly, from whom "Forbidden Stories" could have obtained the 50,000 phone numbers. The Israeli NSO considers it impossible that such a list actually exists. The Israeli company denies that the phone numbers identified by "Forbidden Stories" and the investigative team of international journalists have any connection with Pegasus, in fact they may have obtained them from the publicly available HLR database. The NSO further explains that the report "Forbidden Stories" is "full of false assumptions, unsubstantiated theories, the reliability of the indicated sources of which raises serious doubts". In the reports, two Hungarian journalists from the "Direkt36" portal were named as victims of espionage, on whose mobile phones the Pegasus software was found in the technical laboratory of Amnesty International, which was then confirmed by Citizen Lab in Toronto. How is it possible to find and identify these two phone numbers out of 50,000 phone numbers - even if we are talking about only 300 in Hungary?

In an interview with the Austrian newspaper "Die Presse", one of the alleged "victims", Panyi Szabolcs , gives a satisfactory answer.
Szabolcs Panyi is a journalist for the "Direkt36" internet platform, which works together with the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wochenzetiung Zeit, NDR and WDR in the international consortium regarding the Pegasus scandal.

This is how Szabolcs Panyi describes what happened in the interview:

"It all started when Frederik Obermaier from the Süddeutsche Zeitung asked my boss for my phone number." Szabolcs Panyi was therefore waiting for an important call, but it never happened. "Instead, he asked my boss for more phone numbers." After that, Frederik Obermaier initiated a personal conversation, but asked that above all "a reliable communication channel" be established. Szabolcs Panyi already guessed at that point that it would be a "wiretapping story". After the secret meeting, Frederik Obermaier asked Szabolcs Panyi to hand over his smartphone to Amnesty International for investigation.

Panyi continues: "It was found that my phone was hacked seven months before the investigation." It is noteworthy that the same Frederik Obermaier played a key role in the Austrian IBIZA scandal, which resulted in the resignation of the Austrian government. This interview proves that Szabolcs Panyi's phone number was not found in any case from the list of 50,000 people. If that had been the case, it would have been possible to determine who the owner of the phone was with a phone call.

In reality, it happened the other way around: the telephone numbers of the journalists were asked through the head of the "Direkt36" platform, who were then presented as victims after a secret meeting. It is no coincidence that all the organizations involved in the case are financed by György Soros through the Open Society organization, which can be tracked on the websites of the organizations. Not only the Direkt36 platform, but also "Forbidden Stories" operating in Paris, which exploded the case, and Citizen Lab in Toronto (which confirmed Amnesty International's investigation) are financed by György Soros.

If we consider that out of the mentioned 50,000 target persons, 10,000 are located in France (about whom no one is talking), while in contrast, 16 cases are highlighted in Hungary, two of whom are journalists of an internet platform funded by György Soros, as well as 14 other persons who can only be assumed to have been victims. , considerable doubts arise. It seems that this is obviously a very well-prepared and organized, targeted attack against the Hungarian government and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who is now also claimed to have personally tapped the phone conversations. The goal is quite clear: to provide support to the Hungarian opposition and to achieve a change of government during next year's elections. This attack is not the last. The attackers' imagination obviously knows no bounds, so we have to be prepared for more surprises."

Dr. Eva Maria Barki, Vienna

(Header image: Eva Maria Barki. Source: