Many of us think that we live in a satanic age. We are hardly wrong. Still, if we fail to create a home, we have only ourselves to blame. Written by Katalin Kondor.
What is politics? I recently heard the question at a gathering where the audience was waiting for the answer to whether we are really threatened by World War III.
One of the speakers also suggested that several people in his circle had already declared that they did not understand politics. This last statement was immediately explained by another attendee, according to whom the policy is very understandable.
It is about robbing as much as possible from the commons, killing as many people as possible, since we have been repeating for a long time that there are many of us here on this globe.
To remedy this problem, let's start a war, occupy areas that we have nothing to do with anyway, but it's just easy to attack them, since the people living there can't defend themselves, since they have no money. Furthermore, let's create situations like the current migrant invasion, trusting that these people will work for us, and we already find ourselves in the middle of the chaos that has always helped to create a state of war.
It is also okay if we regularly threaten and intimidate people, be it climate-related threats, endless threats about epidemics, the horror of human overpopulation, the devastating consequences of the resulting food shortage, and the nightmare of the use of nuclear weapons, and so on. Well, that's politics, the person concluded.
There was a short pause, and then someone spoke and said that this is already the third world war, and anyone who says anything is already here with us.
Would that really be politics? Do we really have to accept that politics is a form of violent art? A terrain where the stronger always defeats the weaker? It probably is.
We have known since our student years that the word originates from the ancient Greek name polis, which in Hungarian is called public life. And like it or not, we are part of it, because we live in society, not in a stone cave at the end of the world. Smart books and lexicons say that the three most important political ideologies are liberalism, conservatism and socialism.
However, there are quite a few people still living on earth who have lived in these three mentioned ideologies. I don't know what they would say if we asked them which was the most tolerable for them? I know of no such research.
However, we know of many events, including tragedies, that befell people under the so-called "rule" of these three ideologies, proving that none of them can be declared victorious and eternal.
And because this is so, we can conclude that perhaps there will never be a period in the history of mankind when we agree without debate on which social system is the best. Whose is the priest, whose is the priestess, says the proverb. Consequently, we cannot expect perfect agreement either.
On the other hand, perhaps yes, the time will come when we can change the phenomena mentioned above, which cause fear in the majority of people.
Because what did people say about politics at the mentioned meeting? That he allows us to rob as much as possible from the common. Well, why not prevent this? Or why can't overpopulation be regulated? Why can't colonization with dirty intentions be prevented? Why can't robber wars be prevented? Why can't the migrant invasion be stopped? Why can't we protect the Earth? Why threaten nuclear war? Threaten with natural disasters? To exploit people and nature? Creating artificial epidemics? So many questions, to which we mostly receive deliberately false answers.
Because with goodwill, love, justice, and especially with faith, reason, courage and strength, what belongs to people can be changed. However, the solution to the above problems belongs to people, although it never hurts to turn to God for spiritual help.
We often quote the unforgettable Áron Tamási, who says, "We are in the world to be at home somewhere in it." On the other hand, only we can create a home for ourselves here on Earth. With diligence, faith, will, knowing no laziness. We, people. That is not God's business. He just gave us the opportunity. The belief that all this is not impossible. The action is now up to us.
Many of us think that we live in a satanic age. We are hardly wrong. Still, if we fail to create a home, we have only ourselves to blame.