Ursula von der Leyen, our "Orsolya", seems to have lost her patience: in her fear of the victory of the Italian right, she put aside her German restraint and caution and made it clear that she is in fact nothing more than a man of the globalist, left-liberal elite circles - more roughly, its executor.

In her speech at Princeton University in the US in the last days before the Italian elections, Ursula declared that "if Italy finds itself in a difficult situation after the parliamentary elections (!), we have the tools, as in the case of Poland and Hungary."

Let's be clear: this is nothing more than a confession, if you like, the speech of the President of the European Commission, even if it is short, all the more clear.

This is a boundary stone, you have to stop here and draw conclusions.

The president's wife admitted three things with this: first, it turned out that she is not a democrat. Because if the fact that the right-wing comes to power in a European member state means that that country is "in a difficult situation", well, that person is not a democrat, because he does not accept the decision of the people's will expressed in free elections.

A world view - the world view of the president's wife - in which only the left-liberal side is acceptable, exclusionary and anti-democratic. Such a person cannot be at the head of the European Commission, who disregards the will of the European voters, the principle of popular sovereignty!

Second, he made it clear retroactively that the "teaching" of Hungary and Poland, their political, legal and financial blackmail is nothing more than a political attack by the liberal political mainstream against these countries. Based on this, we must fundamentally reevaluate everything that has happened to Hungary since 2010, when the Orbán government came to power.

It has now become clear in black and white that the seemingly very serious, legally sound proceedings that were initiated against our country, which were initiated and continued against us with reference to "the protection of European values", are none other than for the mainstream actions aimed at sweeping away a government that is considered an ideological, worldview enemy. The rule of law, European values, democracy - these important words fade into nothingness and become mere lies in a sham liberal charade.

Thirdly: Ursula von der Leyen was unmasked, it turned out that she really is nothing more than a puppet, a sent person of the global elite. Myself in Who is behind Ursula von der Leyen? In my article published in Magyar Nemzet on September 3, I already described that Ursula is tied to the deep state in a thousand ways, one of the most visible signs of which is that she attended the meetings of the Bilderberg Group four times (!), first in 2015 and 2016, then after a one-year absence in 2018 and 2019, and a few weeks after the latter, he was "elected" to head the European Commission.

His participation rate of four times, which is otherwise the highest in German terms, clearly proves that he has won the trust of Klaus Schwab, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and of course György Soros, if only because he maintains a close relationship with Klaus Schwab, who heads the World Economic Forum.

But I also wrote about the excellent relations of the American deep state, as its advisers include Peter Piot, who was one of the leaders of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as Mr. David M. Rubenstein, a wealthy entrepreneur who is also a member to several globalist organizations, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Atlantic Council, and lo and behold, the latter organization bestowed a high honor on our Orsolya…

Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Ziobro is absolutely right when he said that Ursula von der Leyen's real name is blackmailer.

Viktor Orbán recently said that the problem is that the union has no real leaders.

The leadership of the union is somewhere else…

Ursula von der Leyen must leave after her statement. Of course, only if the union is not a union without consequences.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Photo: MTI/AP