The amount of non-refundable support that can be obtained through the application can range from HUF 300,000 to HUF 10 million, and organizations that deal with animal protection or rescue, assistance and guide dogs can apply.

The call for tenders for civil organizations dealing with animal protection with a budget of HUF 500 million has been published, the government commissioner responsible for the development and implementation of the animal protection action plan announced on Monday.
According to Péter Ovádi's presentation, the amount of non-refundable support that can be obtained through the application can range from HUF 300,000 to HUF 10 million, and organizations that deal with animal protection or rescue, assistance and guide dogs can apply.

The applicant can use the amount won for the costs related to its operations and programs, as well as for neutering and animal health services, and it can also be used to finance the development and expansion of accommodation on owned or rented property that serves as an animal shelter or nature conservation rescue center.

The government commissioner pointed out that they are also trying to pay attention to subsidizing neutering, therefore, in the case of organizations dealing with companion animals, 20 percent of the requested subsidy amount must be spent on neutering costs, and in the case of organizations dealing with wild animals, farm animals and rescue, assistance and guide dogs, a minimum 20 percent must be used for animal health service costs.

You can apply until May 21 at 2 p.m. on the website of the organizer Bethlen Gábor Alap Zrt.

Péter Ovádi recalled that already in 2002, tenders with a total amount of HUF 500 million were announced for civilians, of which all 187 organizations that submitted valid tenders won, and in 2023, together with the Animal Protection Foundation, HUF 123 million were spent to support civil umbrella organizations, among others. and in difficult situations - fire, accident, emergency aid was provided to them.

"We appreciate the sacrificial work of civil organizations dealing with animal protection both financially and morally"

said the government commissioner.

He added that a relationship based on mutual assistance has been established with civil organizations, their opinions are always sought, and their practical experience is also highly valued. They tried to reduce the administrative burden to a minimum, and the possibility of electronic administration was also confirmed.


Photo: MTI/zsolt Szigetváry