The vice president of the Tisza party called the supporters of the ruling party animals with noble simplicity.

In his human dignity, Péter Magyar insulted millions of people in a street forum, where he called the Fidesz people an endangered species.

This defamatory, hateful tone is characteristic of Magyar's public appearances, as well as the previous statements of his colleagues.

All of this is eerily reminiscent of the 2022 election campaign, when Péter Márki-Zay, the prime ministerial candidate of the left, compared the voters of the ruling party to mushrooms fed with manure, and called the rural people stupid and brainwashed.

Péter Magyar went a step further in inciting hatred, as he stated at the Tiszaföldvár forum: nowadays, being a sissy Fidesz is a dying breed.

The vice-president of the Tisza party has made scandalous statements before, for example he threatened that there will be no peace on Heroes' Square on June 8, that crowd will not be able to be stopped.

The disregard for basic human norms, the personalizing and threatening tone are also characteristic of his Hungarian colleagues.

One of the important background people who helps organize events, demonstrations, and street forums as the party's "operational officer" is Márk Radnai, the son of Jobbik's former communications director, László Radnai "impexes". The name of film director Márk Radnai is not unknown to media consumers, as in 2015 he harshly threatened the theater critic Tamás Koltai, who had allegedly criticized Radnai's work several times.

"Hi Thomas! Someone once told you that you are a pest cockroach. Why do you think? If I see you near any of my shows again, I will break all your fingers one by one. No doubt. Have a nice summer! Go far!” Radnai wrote at the time.

One candidate for the European Parliament of the Tisza party in 2022 called the Hungarians a brainwashed people.

In a Facebook post, Kinga Kollár wrote: "Unfortunately, until education changes, we will remain the same brainwashed people as the Russians."

The statements of Péter Magyar and his colleagues evoke the run amok of the 2022 prime ministerial candidate of the left.

It is worth remembering that Péter Márky-Zay, among other things, compared the supporters of the government party to mushrooms fed with manure and kept in the dark, but it was also said that they are stupid and aberrant. The mayor of Hódmezővásárhely made statements deeply insulting to rural people, for example, he claimed that if Fidesz gathered its best people in a rural town, they probably wouldn't be able to solve a crossword puzzle.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Péter Magyar
Source: MTI/Tibor Illyés