According to the vice president of the Tisza Party, Donald Tusk's Poland is a "good example to be followed" for our country in all respects.

Péter Magyar was a guest of Egon Rónai's Straight Talk program, in which, among many other topics, the withheld money from Brussels was discussed. To the question that in the event that the TISZA Party comes to power

could he call the amounts, Magyar replied: "We could definitely bring it home,

because we know what needs to be done! It is necessary to join the European Public Prosecutor's Office, close the rule of law procedure and close Article Seven."

According to Hungarian

Poland is a good example for Hungary in all respects,

because after Donald Tusk was elected, "in one week, the independence of the public media was returned, state propaganda was banned and the weekly article was abolished", said the former diplomat.

"Rule of law and democracy mocked"

However, it is worth recalling

how the Tusk model, so highly praised by Hungarians, looks like in reality.

Our colleague Mátyás Kohán recently summarized in his opinion article what changes have taken place in Poland since the Tusk cabinet was formed.

Kohán emphasized that

What they are doing now in Warsaw, they wanted to do with our country".

"Our elected parliamentarians would have been dragged out of the Sándor Palace in handcuffs, they wanted to run down our public television with police force," he continued.

But we must also not forget that since October 15, 2023, we can see how "the 43.6 percent national bloc is being suppressed, culture and the press are being mercilessly occupied,

and the rule of law and democracy are mocked".

It is worth remembering that the Poles lining up behind Mateusz Morawiecki said back in the autumn, during the campaign, "Pogoniliśmy ruska, pogonimy i Tuska" , we defeated the Russian, so let's defeat Tusk as well, but it didn't work.

But we can learn from them"

- can be read in the publicity of Mandiner's foreign policy journalist.


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