The European Union must change. There can be no double standards! What is good for the South Tyroleans must also be good for the people of Transylvania, Székely, Partium, and Banság.

Dear Compatriot! In the two elections on June 9, we will decide on the future of our settlements and representation in the European Parliament. Quote It is in the interest of all Hungarians to have strength in Transylvania and to have a voice in Brussels. There are those who want to weaken the community, to destabilize it. They say: the words of two or three representatives have no force in Brussels. Don't believe them because it's not true! We had and have influence.

When we joined the European Union in 2007, we said that we would fight for the legal protection of indigenous national minorities at the European level. For the Hungarians living in Transylvania and the Carpathian Basin. We didn't give up! And if there is a new European leadership, I am sure that our minority rights will receive more attention.

Because the European Union must change. There can be no double standards! What is good for the South Tyroleans must also be good for the people of Transylvania, Székely, Partium, and Banság.

But it must change, above all, in order to finally deal with the problems and expectations of the citizens.

That is why we want a Union that is able to have a say in world affairs, is able to protect us, the Hungarians, and helps the Central and Eastern European countries to catch up.

In order to be a part of the change and not a victim, we have to be there too. Ask your friends and family members to go vote on June 9, because it is important. This is not a political competition, but an important community issue! Quote A lot goes a long way, goes the saying. Every help, every single vote counts in ensuring that we Transylvanian Hungarians maintain our representation in Brussels and our influence at home.

I'm expecting you on June 9!

Sincerely, Kelemen Hunor


Featured image: MTI/Ildikó Baranyi