A person who doesn't care about others, only himself, gets terribly lonely. Sometimes you have to stop and notice what we live in. To ask the question: what do I think about this?

We take care of our bodies a lot: we eat healthy, we do sports, but shouldn't we also strengthen our "spiritual muscles"? What defense mechanisms are there to arm ourselves against stress? We selected 10 important thoughts from the program "Lélekutakon Bagdy Emőkevel" from the clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.

• We get sick in relationships, and we also heal in them. In a more scientific way, we can also say that a person can only be understood in its entirety, since we are biological, psychological, social and spiritual beings, as stated by the World Health Organization.

• For a long time, science did not want to acknowledge our spirituality, they said that it was only the work of religion and priests. But they had to realize: the human spirit has a higher dimension that cannot be materialized and therefore cannot be measured objectively.

Faith, hope, love, joy, loyalty all stem from this spirituality: these are high human qualities.

• What do you think happiness is? What is the condition of your happiness? It often turns out that today's questions about happiness don't really capture the essence. The real happiness question is: When do you think you were the happiest in your life? The vast majority of people think of a love relationship at this time.

Our truly joyful experiences are all related to relationships.

• By self-knowledge, psychology means being able to answer how I became the way I am, or why I have certain qualities that I struggle with again and again. It is worthwhile to find where an experience that defines us was packed into our putto, since in addition to our genes, social influences also play a role in the formation of our personality.

• Today we live in a culture where we encounter an increasingly aggressive world in which production, consumption and profit are the essence. The consumerized world commands you not to get off the treadmill, just produce and buy. Therefore, we have to bear many times our own potential load capacity. At the same time, we see a distortion of values, according to which if you have money, you are somebody. What a mistake!

• We've gotten used to living for each other, paying attention to each other, even though a person is nobody and nothing by himself. A person who doesn't care about others, only himself, gets terribly lonely. Sometimes you have to stop and notice what we live in. To ask the question: what do I think about this?

• If we practice enough love, care, encouragement, hugs, or do anything for others, our self-healing processes start and they are able to balance out the negative stress on us.

• Touch has enormous power!

Don't skimp on caressing, hugging or giving the other person a kiss!

• Men are created to create something: this can include organizing a garden, building a house, DIY, that is, anything that turns a minus into a plus. They like to think about it, to think it over rationally. Women work quite differently, their emotions dominate and, as we know, they usually talk a lot more.

• Men and women: two completely different worlds. A common phenomenon: the husband comes home from work tired and stressed, while the wife immediately wants to find out what's wrong, tries to get him to talk and talk. Let's stop and make them aware: men need time at this time to think about their day! It is not good to provoke them, if we let them, they will speak on their own. The point is the common path.

You can watch the entire broadcast here:

Source: 777

Featured image: Clinical psychologist Emőke Bagdy at the Budapest presentation of the study volume "Twin Research in Social Sciences" of the Mária Kopp Institute for Population and Families (KINCS) on February 27, 2024. MTI/Tamás Purger