"The European and North Atlantic world is focusing with every nerve on knocking this last bastion, Hungary, off its foundations," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Hungary is the last obstacle because of which Europe has not yet caught fire, so the North Atlantic world is now concentrating with all its nerves on knocking this last bastion off its foundations, said Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó on Tuesday in Balatonkenes.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the head of the ministry emphasized at a campaign event in the city that the relatively important election on June 9 may not have been held in Hungary yet, as our country must now defend itself against the war in Ukraine after a series of crises.

For two and a half years, we have been fighting with elemental strength in order to be able to defend ourselves against all the pressure, the aim of which is to push us into the war.

- He told.

"You can clearly see that everyone in Europe and the North Atlantic world has now been sorted out, resistance has been broken everywhere, and everyone has given up their defense either voluntarily, or because they could not stand the pressure, or for some other reason"

- he continued.

There is one last obstacle that has not yet set Europe on fire, and it is called Hungary. And now apparently all pressure is concentrated here.

The European and North Atlantic world is focusing with every fiber of its being on knocking down this last bastion, Hungary, from its foundations," he underlined.

They are already openly talking about revoking the Hungarian government's right to vote

In this regard, he recalled that nowadays some people are already openly talking about withdrawing the Hungarian government's right to vote in the Council of the European Union, so that it cannot then obstruct the decisions that would "push the continent into the ditch, which is called the third world war".

This can also be seen as an express train hurtling towards the terminal, not stopping according to the schedule,

and there is another way to stop it is for someone to pull the emergency brake. And this emergency brake will come in the form of June 9," he stated. Péter Szijjártó stated at the podium discussion that the statements made in the last couple of weeks, which included the sending of Western soldiers to Ukraine and the use of nuclear weapons, carry a serious risk of escalation.


Featured image: Péter Szijjártó/Facebook