Péter Magyar's hot-blooded hatred against the Hungarians abroad is once again inciting him , even though the traitor will quickly spit on his messiah if he doesn't get his way, quickly forgets and easily moves away. Written by Gergely Huth.

"Péter Magyar's community animates Romania and Ukraine, it rages against Hungarians abroad and also operates as an online janitor network," the investigative blog of the Firewall Group concluded after analyzing thousands of posts and comments from the innermost forums of the Tisza Party, being integrated into them.

All credit to the Firewall Group for having the stomach for it! Of course, the result of the collection is not at all surprising, rather it just confirmed what we have always suspected, that with this over-moving barrel zone, the dirt of the canals flows to the surface.

Of course, I do not claim that all white-shirted messiahs are like this, but as we have been seeing more and more clearly for some time,

the hard core around Magyar, in addition to criminals, fraudsters, swindlers, agents and adventurers, is made up of bloodthirsty mobs that ordinary people avoid in disgust if they meet on the street, and without whom the Carpathian homeland would be a happier place.

For them, June 4, 1920 is not a feeling of grief and irreplaceable loss, but upon hearing the date - if they know what it is - a sardonic, lustful, prole joy overwhelms their bodies. Like the Bugrian sergeant's wife, who grinned while the Romanian soldiers raped the neighbor's angry daughter, or the wretch who ran to sign up for the Jewish merchant's conflict, as soon as the archers took him away, or the laziest servant who couldn't wait to beat the old man to death finally the great gentleman, to see if he will get some nice pieces from Zsolnay.

Those who were monsters during the rat riot and then the red terror, who panted behind the black uniforms on the banks of the Danube, and who then became the best pribs in the terror machine of Gábor Péter and János Kádár. The eternal Senáks, if anyone has seen the relevant play by János Háy.

They don't even have to learn to be small, because they were born that way in the first place, and when they turn to their dirty, black souls, they will remain so forever, no matter what historical age and governing power comes.

No one is envious, even though their vote is worth the same as the vote of normal, ordinary, aspiring, patriotic people.

You can always build on them for a while, you enjoy their care and admiration, but it's better to remember that the mob will quickly spit on its messiah, if he doesn't get his way, he quickly forgets and easily walks away.

How big their faces were. They roared like a lion, and then it turned out that their claws were made of papier-mâché: a paper tiger soaked in the first spring rain. They showed themselves to be comets, and then they got into the ground," said Viktor Orbán in front of the huge crowd of last Saturday's peace march, referring to the previous march, when the current Péter was still called Márki-Zay.

It won't be any different now.

Tiredness can already be seen around today's sedated Teleshop agent: the anti-peace march with bicycles and white tunics announced by Péter Magyar in front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica also failed, only thirty-five people signed up on Facebook, and the event had to be canceled.

From more and more small towns and campaign locations, they are reporting that they hardly see any locals, but hundreds, even thousands, are arriving by bus or car as members of the traveling circus. Of course, the momentum will still carry them, and there is no doubt that the opposition map will be thoroughly rearranged on June 9. But the magic is fading.

If we do our job steadfastly and diligently, i.e. we convince the indecisive people around us, we will get rid of this more embarrassing and threatening mutant even sooner.

Of course, they will snarl and snarl for a long time, and they only hurt the nation because they know that it hurts us, normal people (which they, the miserable ones, will never be) a lot.

Children, let's look at the bright side, for example, Romania got a lot of territory," enthuses one of Péter Magyar's fans in the Discord group reserved for insiders, among the posts congratulating Romania. Because there is plenty of it. Everything is better there, they can't wait for Greater Romania to reach the National Museum again.

I have written many times that discontent cannot be dismissed with a wave, but rebels, traitors, and criminals must be isolated.

During my twenties, in 2002, i.e. after the victory of the MSZP-SZDSZ gallery, I had the pleasure of stumbling into a pub with my friends and provoking some discussion and then agreement, asking out loud: "Okay, but then who voted for the communists?" Of course, no one agreed. Then in 2006 they were voted for again. That is why it is necessary to get rid of poison and feces in time. Not the way they would act towards us in their sweaty dreams. But cleverly, locking them in a moral quarantine, morally destroying them.

Of course, there are onlookers, many who are now stumbling behind the mobs and secretly want to take revenge for their own difficulties.

You should rather love them and understand their problems. I certainly hope that with sufficient public opinion the adjustment is already being prepared, that the remedy for problems can be corrected and alleviated even in the midst of the economic difficulties of the war.

And the sane, guiding national majority must be nurtured, respected and listened to.

B was a beautiful achievement , the hundreds of thousands of communities singing together, exchanging constructive and uplifting thoughts, setting an example for the whole nation, among whom, in the crowd, there were Fidesz-KDNP mayoral candidates, EP aspirants, practicing a beautiful, human gesture and confirming that we are still "of one blood".

On the day of national unity, the torchbearer of one of our Highland icons, the late Miklós Duray, László Gubík, the founder of the János Esterházy Free University, said: "We Hungarians live right in the middle of the Carpathian Basin, and we are destined to give this area a vision of the future somewhere. and we take care of it. My message is that we dare to be brave in formulating our goals, even if this is not necessarily convenient in the current political situation!" A deep, important speech, from the Dare to be Big circle of thought.

The raging army of hatred is once again inciting against Hungarians abroad. They know, they feel, that they can do their clients the greatest service by doing this: to break the foundations of the nation, to upset our most basic common denominators, to turn the Hungarians against and at their mercy. And we continue to fight and heal the wounds.

One of the spiritual predecessors of the current left (the main one will probably be Szamuely), i.e. the Red Count Mihály Károlyi, assassinated and released in 1918, killed István Tisza, the last peace-loving Prime Minister of Great Hungary. However, Viktor Orbán and his government - by opening the Geszt castle and memorial site - are also symbolically steering Hungarian history back on track.

Who couldn't choose between the two paths?

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Péter Magyar, leader of the European Parliament list of the Tisza party, the party's vice-president speaks at the opposition demonstration held at the Várkert Bazaar, the site of the EU election debate organized by the public media
Source: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák