Even if it seemed surprising at the beginning, by now we have gotten used to the election proposal of the united opposition: runaway utility prices, unaffordable food, paid health care, a welfare-based society, support for immigration, and of course, as an indispensable bonus, the institutionalized corruption of preschoolers and elementary school children. Is there anyone - apart from the orange sheep - who wouldn't want this from the bottom of their hearts?

O tempora, o mores! Where are the times when these - because they are the same - still took the trouble and, through the lips of the artist Lendvai, lied to our faces in a well-articulated way that "there will be no gas price increase"! On the other hand, today only a few BigBoards breathe the faint but at least dissonant slogan "Orbán goes, utility cuts remain" because utility cuts are still good for the people, so the French should fall for it, not to mention that Orbán is a hallmark, so to some extent the case is controversial, because if Orbán reduced the overheads, and that's good, then why should he actually go?

Source: Facebook

Of course, the comrades don't seriously think that anything related to Orbán should remain, they just wrote it on the billboard, because something had to be written on it anyway, the trinity of freedom-equality-fraternity was already taken, moreover, KariGeri announced the freedom three years ago Regarding Budapest, and the fact that the capital has indeed become free, you can tell from what was announced on TV. So, they wrote on the BigBoard that the overhead reduction will remain, and Népszava also gave this title to the interview it conducted with Péter Márki-Zay, although the prime minister-designate somewhat shaded the picture in that interview:

So, as Prime Minister, you do not plan to change the tariffs set in 2014?

I didn't say that either. Not just because, for example, we want to introduce the euro.

Do you agree that regardless of the world market - quoting the propaganda twists of Fidesz - they will not double the electricity and triple the gas prices during their administration?

We undertake that, if the world market price permits, we will even reduce energy prices. Not like Fidesz, which also worked for its own pockets in this field. We also support the modernization of hundreds of thousands of apartments over four years.

A little sophisticatedly, but he still puts it in your ears, I have no intention of protecting the interests of the Hungarian people with fire and iron (and not at all). And anyone who doesn't understand why this is good has irreparably turned orange during the 12 years of Fidesz slavery, period.

However, the most ideal voter for the opposition is undoubtedly who was interviewed by 24.hu.

"a wise man accepts what is handed out and then does not vote for them."

Logical, right? And if the wise voter of the opposition is like that, imagine what the simply smart voter can be like!

Therefore, everyone should expect skyrocketing utility prices if Orbántakarodj comes, that is, goes, just like with the abolition of the blood-soaked official gasoline and food prices. Well, the free market is finally there now, we can bury it, excuse me, we already partially buried it when the upper limit of gasoline prices was maximized at 480 forints. So, we broke the free market's legs with gasoline, and now we are burying its hands with a three-month price cap on the six basic foods (crystal sugar, sunflower oil, 2.8 percent cow's milk, fine wheat flour, pork leg, chicken breast and rump). In the end, the free market will thus remain only a sad torso, it will become a kind of free market after Orbán, and its billions of products - which, according to the practice until now, can be offered for cheap or at gold prices - will be six times less from now on. Bagatelle, we could say, but with which six? Well, with the Hungarian chicken back, which is the most sensitive point of that free market!

And here is the matter of the fence, on which Gyurcsány finally gave his blue and yellow blessing, as follows:

"We will not tear down the fence. Stay. Because many people believe that this is the guarantee of their safety. So be it. As long as it takes. There is no room for rational reasoning. There is no need for it. If you need a fence, let it be!”

How generous, isn't it, how empathetic? If the many orange sheep - and quite a few red ones - insist on the fence, rationality (huh?) here or there, let them have their daily fence. Huh-huh. Then they will realize what their fence is really worth if we take away the life force and make the legal environment inclusive.

Not a bit cynical.

And finally, let's not forget the naughty children, preschoolers and elementary school children, in other words, other people's children, who do need transvestites and sandy aunties and uncles, because only they can sweeten their miserable, gray little lives. Just a favor, of course. The LGBTQ lobby is ready to make this sacrifice for the sake of Hungarian children as well:

sexualizes any minor between the ages of three and thirteen for free and without pay; above that, corruption is less effective,

thus, educational institutions will motivate the willingness of gays with financial compensation, but trans people will presumably continue to do so for free. Of course, all activists accept gifts, and the amount intended for this has to be collected from the parents, who will never be informed by anyone about the new educational directive, which finally conforms to European values ​​in every detail, about institutionalized pedophilia.

What else can I say? I can't wait for spring!

Featured image: Ripost/Máté Krisztián