One vote for Dávid Vitézy, and then one vote for the capital's Fidesz list led by Alexandra Szentkirályi. And everyone should imagine Gyurcsány and Karácsony standing in front of the cameras on Sunday night and announcing their defeat. Believe me, it will be as good as Márki-Zay's picture in 2022, the night he went home to "kiss his children", writes the publicist .

The much stronger, but slower and quieter West simply could not find an antidote to the fighting style of the conquering, adventuring Hungarians. Abbot Regino from Prüm authentically wrote the essence of this fighting method with the documentary accuracy of an eyewitness:

"They fight on galloping or retreating horses, often pretending to run. (…) Most of the time they leave the battle in the middle of the fierce battle, and a little later they turn from running back to the battle, and just when you think you have won, you are in mortal danger."

Alexandra Szentkirályi withdrew from the mayoral candidacy. He left the battle in the middle of the fierce battle, pretending to retreat, and the enemy already thought he had won, but now he is in mortal danger.

Let's look at the latest poll!

Dávid Vitézy is the most popular of the three candidates, in the light of the numbers, it looks like this: "According to the research data, the politically active respondents in Budapest formed a similar proportion of negative opinions about Gergely Karácsony (53 percent) and Alexandra Szentkirályi (55 percent). On the other hand, 44 percent of the respondents spoke positively about the reigning mayor, while in the case of Alexandra Szentkirályi, this ratio was 38 percent. Dávid Vitézy is the only candidate for mayor of whom more residents of the capital have a positive (58 percent) than a negative (32 percent) opinion."

But let's look further: "The survey examined mayor preferences in several dimensions. If all registered mayoral candidates were to compete in Sunday's voting, forty percent of those polled would still like to see Gergely Karácsony at the head of the capital, followed by Dávid Vitézy (28 percent) and Alexandra Szentkirályi (27 percent). Two percent of Budapest residents would like to see the candidate of Mi Hazánk, András Grundtner, as mayor. The proportion of those who refuse to answer is three percent."

And the most important, the bottom line: "If Alexandra Szentkirályi were not among the candidates, Dávid Vitézy could count on the support of 48 percent of politically active Budapest residents, while Gergely Karácsony would count on the support of 42 percent of those polled in the mayoral election due this Sunday. In this dimension, András Grundtner's support is four percent, and the proportion of those who refuse to answer is six percent."

Knowing all of this, the good tactics and the proper fighting style are the ancient Hungarian fighting style, the steppe style of fighting. Feign retreat and trap him!

The formula is extremely simple for every Fidesz-KDNP voter: if Szentkirályi was on the ballot in addition to Vitézy on Sunday, Karácsony would remain the mayor, and everything would continue, nothing would continue, lying, pointing at others, the reign of a Gyurcsány puppet was over. amid a stupid grin. If Szentkirályi is not on the ballot on Sunday and these two electoral camps can come together, then Karácsony will come down on Sunday night with the same stupid, outdated grin on his face and cover up. And his people will leave him like the half-hearted Heribald in the monastery of Sankt Gallen.

Is this what we want? Is this what we want?


And we can enforce our will with just two iks on Sunday.

One ikz for Dávid Vitézy - let him be the mayor, because unlike Kárácson, for example, he understands this and that. And then a quick look at the capital's Fidesz list led by Alexandra Szentkirályi - let's ensure our majority in the capital's general assembly.

That's it.

This is so simple, so clear, that even Karácsony could do it, if he could do anything, and if on the other side, on the other side, they had an idea of ​​tactics, the fighting style of the adventuring Hungarians, the fighting style of the steppes.

Alexandra Szentkirályi stated on her Facebook page that the most important thing for her is that Gyurcsány and Karácsony leave the leadership of the city, therefore, giving way to change, she withdraws from the mayoral candidacy and continues the campaign as the head of the list of Fidesz in the capital.

At the same time, he asks all his supporters to vote for Dávid Vitézy on the mayoral ballot, and on the list ballot for the Fidesz-KDNP list he leads!

That's it, my dear friends.

And everyone should imagine Gyurcsány and Karácsony standing in front of the cameras on Sunday night and announcing their defeat. Believe me, it will be as good as Márki-Zay's picture in 2022, the night he went home to "kiss his children".

It's time for Christmas to "kiss" it too.

But for that we have to go, be there and vote as described above.

According to the ancient, Hungarian, steppe fighting style. Now is the time for that.
