Dávid Vitézy is the most popular candidate for mayor, and he would defeat Gergely Karácsony head-to-head in the election race, stated the latest poll of Századvég. With the resignation of Alexandra Szentkirályi, Gergely Karácsony effectively became replaceable, political scientist Zoltán Kiszelly told Mandiner. According to the political analysis director of Századvég, Dávid Vitézy can now count on Fidesz votes in addition to the voters who switched to the opposition.

In view of the upcoming municipal elections, the survey mapped the popularity of mayoral aspirants among the politically active (those who promise to participate in the election as certain or likely) adult population of Budapest, as well as - in several dimensions - their electoral chances.

According to the research data, the politically active respondents in Budapest formed a similar proportion of negative opinions about Gergely Karácsony (53 percent) and Alexandra Szentkirályi (55 percent). On the other hand, 44 percent of the respondents spoke positively about the reigning mayor, while in the case of Alexandra Szentkirályi, this ratio was 38 percent.

Dávid Vitézy is the only candidate for mayor of whom more residents of the capital have a positive (58 percent) than a negative (32 percent) opinion, reports Mandiner .

Vitézy practically mopped the floor with Christmas

Századvég measured the popularity of the three strongest mayoral candidates, and the results show that Dávid Vitézy still has reserves and is able to appeal to several groups of voters, Zoltán Kiszelly, political analysis director of Századvég, told the newspaper, according to the results published by the institute on Friday morning . on research .

As Kiszelly pointed out, Gergely Karácsony was also successful because of Gábor Demszky, who was able to unite several voter groups, liberals and socialists. At the same time, Vitézy also has this ability, so he would have a chance against him if they started one on one.

The analyst explained:

Karácsony and his party also made an alliance with Gyurcsány, so Vitézy can count on voters who switched to the opposition, which is a very large group.

By the way, this includes the voters of the Tisza Party, or the supporters of the Kétfarkú Kutyapárt and Momentum, who also reject the president of the DK and do not have their own candidate for mayor.

"We must also not forget that in one of the candidate debates, Vitézy practically wiped the floor with Karácson, and this may also lead those uncertain voters who decide according to policy considerations to him," the analyst pointed out, adding that among the Fidesz voters several people wink at him.

They remember the role Vitézy played in BKK or later in the coordination of Volán and MÁV flights during the "golden age of Tarlós", when the capital was able to work harmoniously with the government.

Now, however, with the withdrawal of Alexandra Szentkirályi, an even larger part of Fidesz voters will vote for Dávid Vitézy.

- underlined the political analysis director of Századvég.

According to Kiszelly, the fact that the co-chairman of the LMP, Péter Ungár, who supports him, is a constructive opposition can also drive Vitézy's millstones, so those who are tired of Karácsony's conflictual opposition can also like Dávid Vitézy.

All in all, the current mayor has effectively become replaceable.

- stated Kiszelly.

The analyst also emphasized that as a result of the list election, Fidesz can expect a better result than five years ago, when it lost many mayors. All this means that the ruling party can have a strong faction in the Capital Assembly, which will be led by Alexandra Szentkirályi.

Front page image: Mayor candidate Dávid Vitézy, supported by the LMP and the Vitézy Dávidal Budapester Egyesület, gives a speech at his program presentation event in the area of ​​Csepel Mûvek on May 10, 2024.
MTI/Tamás Purger