In honor of June 4th, the day of national unity, the CÖF Club Miskolc also lit the fire of our unity in Miskolc, next to the national flag in Népkert, at the Trianon tree of the CÖF Club Miskolc. On the day of remembrance, Trianon was commemorated from 8 p.m., and after the fire was lit, a wreath was placed at the national flag in Népkert.  

After the singing of the National Anthem and the Székely National Anthem, followed by a welcome from István László Vass, Katalin Ferenczyné Lendeczky read Viktor Padányi's Consummatum est, followed by Dr. Pál Jacsó's own soul-stirring poem, and then Julianna Asztalos recited Arnold Ruttkay - Wasn't that enough? and finally Katalin Kardos recited Konrad Sutarski's poem Trianon.

At the end of the literary compilation, István László Vass read Frigyes Karinthy's writing: Letter to my little son, Trianon Memorial Day. After listening to the song "You are beautiful, you are beautiful Hungary" performed with the violin accompaniment of Dr. Róbert Romhányi, they closed their commemoration with the singing of the Szózat. The sense of belonging was also strengthened by the clothes worn by Mária Bakó, born in Csíkzsögöd.