If a person loves his country, then he knows how to act, and maybe even knows who to believe and who not. He can sense who is trying to trick him all the time, and who is pulling the strings in front of his nose.

If the request is for us, Hungarians, to vote, because the time for the election has come, and with it the request to vote for peace, then we must say, no matter who objects, that we do not have to say this, because there is no doubt we will only respond to this request, which the majority of Hungarians have made clear several times in recent days, that we do indeed vote for peace.

Despite the ever-increasing war-mongering from the European Union and the United States, from the establishment of European conscripts to plans to send such and such additional financial aid. The majority of civilians hardly know or can know the real plans of the European Union, since they are closed from us with very strong padlocks. Every now and then some sensational idea comes from them, such as enlisting soldiers, mercenaries, even sending nuclear weapons, who knows what else is boiling in the cauldron of the witch's kitchen?

But no matter what happens, it all proves without a doubt that our EU leaders in almost all areas of life, including the territory of going to war, are incapable of taking a sane political position, just as they are incapable of thinking of any sane political plan - with the exception of statements that mantra the necessity of war. All of which suggest that Russia must be destroyed, isolated, economically ruined, excluded from here and there, even its world-famous bands and artists must be banned from performing, and so on.

We have come across their stupid ideas countless times in the past two years, but the essence has not changed. The gentlemen of the United States and Europe are not backing down, they are interested in starting a world war in Hungary. We find proof of this every day, so in addition to what has already been described above, I should also mention that one of the shames of the political profession, a certain Manfred Weber, had the courage to say the other day that

"Europe must be ready for a war without America's help, and therefore even nuclear deterrence is not a big price for Moscow. No matter how long it takes, Russia must be defeated.”

All right, Mr. Weber! You have always been such a coward that you forgot to say how. Even now. Because his statements above did not contain the solution. How should and can Russia be defeated without America's help? Is your military that strong? Would the migrants who are constantly killing and raping you be forced into military service? Is this a secret or a reality? Would you send your esteemed compatriots to fight in Russia in the hope of final victory? But I still have questions. Where will you survive a world war? Are their nuclear-proof bunkers ready? Did they store enough Ukrainian grain in them to keep them from starving? Do they already know how the people's hunger revolt will be handled? Also, what does it mean that it doesn't matter how long it takes to defeat Russia? Who doesn't care? For you? It matters to the majority of people. I think there are many of us, we would like to know what your answers are to these questions, and of course also to many other questions, to which we have not received answers for several years.

I know the message of the majority of Hungarians. It has been said for a long time: "we will no longer be prisoners". Until now, we were, and still are, prisoners of the deceitful masters of the European Union. A strange thought occurred to me. How interesting would it be if the bewildered EU voters were asked why they drew the checkmark where they did on the ballot paper? Justify! In Hungarian, you should justify your vote with reasons. But that would be the real democratic vote - in the European Union, which has rejected democracy for a long time and unfortunately has lost its way!

We here, in this small (mutilated!) country that has suffered a lot, have a lot of experience. Wherever we look, people in villages and cities have always lived in peace with each other. Until they were thrown together by figures who thought they were politicians. This is what is going on in the world now: to jump together, to incite tension and hatred between them, because then it is easier to rule over them.

If a person loves his country, then he knows how to act, and maybe even knows who to believe and who not. He can sense who is trying to trick him all the time, and who is pulling the strings in front of his nose.

Somehow, the recognition of this, or more precisely, the ability that helps to recognize this, is certainly lacking in the majority of people these days. Everywhere in the world. We live in the age of quacks and liars. Maybe we lack the courage to recognize it, and that's why we don't disturb them? I do not know. We Hungarians marched for peace a few days ago. The strange lords of Europe speak for war. But whatever happens, we Hungarians are of the same blood. And we hold ourselves steadfast to what I have already mentioned above: "By the God of the Hungarians/We swear,/We swear that we will no longer be prisoners/We will not be!"

Hungarian Newspaper

Featured image: MTI Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry