If you get 200,000 more votes than five years ago, then according to the opposition, you have actually stalled, you have lost, it will be difficult to sell this as a victory - the publicist evaluated in his post , adding that Andrea Rost's song will no longer be enough for them, and the same the three old sentences...

Back home, you have to win in different ways and the algorithms are very complicated. At home, if you are the ruling party, you have been governing for the fourteenth year with a two-thirds majority, and you have won every election since the fall of 2006, then you cannot actually win. In this case, for example, if you are in the middle of your fourth two-thirds term of government, in wartime, just leaving record inflation behind you, and moreover, at the beginning of the year, you were thoroughly battered by a so-called pardon case and the pardon scandal that grew out of it, and if after all this,

in a local government and an EP election, with an unprecedentedly high turnout of two hundred thousand - I'll put the number here: 200,000! - you get more votes than in an election held five years ago, in a period without any problems - well, then you actually lost.

2019: You received 1.8 million votes.

2024: You have received 2 million votes.

You see? You lost! This is what everyone will write. It is completely unnecessary to list them all, you already know, you know them anyway. They will say "you stalled", "you actually lost", "it will be hard to sell this as a win", and so on. If Sunday's election had been a parliamentary election, the same result would have been worth a fifth and two-thirds. But I see you still don't understand: you lost. Don't kid yourself: you lost. For example, you lost three big cities, but you won four new ones, so your balance in this segment is plus one? Then it will appear like this on 444, listen! "After eighteen years, Fidesz has lost big cities, but it will have one more mayor from the fall" What's good? They must be teaching this somewhere...

Now the situation is quite different if you are in the opposition. In this case, you actually always win. Are you a brain dead drug addict at the head of some joke couple and will you win a district in Buda? "Break-through!" (Just don't forget to explain how at some point

What were the well-to-do residents of one of the richest districts of Budapest thinking when they sent a brain dead drug addict to the mayor's office? And what do they expect now?

And while we're at it, let's also say a word about the lost Győr. The previous mayor was sent by the voters. The previous mayor was from Fidesz. On the other hand, the residents of Győr gave Fidesz an absolute majority in the general assembly, and Fidesz won by a landslide in the list as well. Now,

if the residents of a city send the mayor away, but keep the mayor's party in all positions, then it is not the party, but the mayor who has to think...)

And if there is an opposition force that comes out of nowhere and reaches thirty percent, that is a total, overwhelming, gigantic victory.

The aggressive leader of the Tisza is the burning lace bush next to Budi, where the opposition, who have been in need for eighteen years, go to relieve themselves. And that's the end of this role.

Now something will have to be said instead of the utterly empty, stupid, and above all false slogans of the demonstrations and those waiting for results. We'll see now. We will also see how the new messiah with a legendary integrative personality will hold it all together and gather allies. Because he will receive countless amounts of money, money, and weapons from his guards. But Andrea Rost's song and the same three old sentences will not be enough. And probably Momentum and Jobbik actually won, because as one front-runner wrote in HVG, "the old opposition also won the right to continue." Yes. That away. And we will lose badly again in 2026. We will "stop" with two-thirds of the fifth. But it's okay, because we, the "propagandists", will also sell it as a victory. While these many, many cunning and twisted minds and invincible opposition and their press mercilessly see through us. Be so. It's fine with us...

Source: Hungarian Nation

Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák