The positions of the individual parties regarding the Hungarian Child Protection Act received a lot of attention in the European press after the debate in the European Parliament on Wednesday and the vote held the following day, reports Magyar Hírlap.

De Standaard also reported that the Flemish Interests (Vlaams Belang) party did not support the EP resolution criticizing Hungary and demanding an EU procedure and withdrawal of funds. The right-wing party is a member of the Identity and Democracy (ID) faction, and last week they signed a declaration on the future of Europe, which was supported by sixteen parties, including Fidesz. In Wednesday's debate, the party's representative, Tom Vandendriessche, accused the European Union of hypocrisy. He pointed out that while LGBT parties can be held freely and safely in Budapest, the police broke up the gay pride parade in Istanbul - yet, Hungary is criticized and Turkey wants to be supported with billions of euros to curb migration. He also complained that the EU wants to take away parents' freedom to decide what information their children receive.

In Italy, the parties were at odds with each other over the Hungarian legislation. While the representatives of the European Parliament of the right-wing parties - the Italian Brothers (FdI) and the League - spoke in support of the debate, the left urged the condemnation of Hungary . The FdI's Raffaele Fitto pointed out to the EP why in the discussion about the results of the recent EU summit, they spend time bashing our country instead of, for example, dealing with the unresolved problem of migration. He noted that the former is undoubtedly more comfortable.

Brando Benifei criticized the right-wing representatives on Twitter for not supporting the resolution. According to the politician, funds should be withdrawn from Hungary because it does not guarantee the enforcement of fundamental rights.

Speaking to the France 2 channel, Clément Beaune,

In several articles, our portal formed an opinion regarding the left-liberal, globalist terror of the Union. Our opinion remains unchanged: the politicians of the European Parliament (and unfortunately the European Commission) are moving forward on the path of insanity according to the Bolshevik system cut from the roots. After the "core countries" have already been successfully transformed into re-education camps, where they train their citizens to worship deviance and aberration, now they want to force the worship of the unnatural on the newly joined ones as well.

What's more, going back a long way in history, they also demand janissary training, i.e. they want to corrupt our children and grandchildren.

A blast, ladies, gentlemen and who knows what! Make idiots out of your own children (if there are any at all, if so, your crime is even greater!), keep your hands off ours! In vain did you threaten with article 7, withholding money - there is no money that would be worth letting future Hungarian generations be distorted like you!

(Credit image: MTI/EPA/Patrick Seeger)