Several left-wing politicians also fell victim to Sunday's election failure. Anna Donáth resigned from the presidency of Momentum. Jobbik, which has shrunk into a dwarf party, will undergo an early overhaul, but the Gyurcsány Ferencs have also failed miserably. Klára Dobrev also announced on Monday that her shadow government will end after less than two years of operation, and that they are looking for new ways.

The former president of Momentum refused to evaluate the performance of his party on Sunday night. The M1 reporter asked András Fekete-Győr about Momentum's weakest results than ever, but the politician talked about something else. Among the left-wing parties in the European Parliament elections

Momentum lost the most: with a result of 3.7 percent, the party cannot send a single representative to Brussels.

Our European Parliament result is a failure - this is what the president of the party wrote on his social media page on Monday.

Anna Donáth announced that after losing her seat in the European Parliament, she would also resign from the position of party president.

Later, parliamentary representative Miklós Hajnal wrote that, like Anna Donáth, the entire presidency would resign.

Like Anna Donáth, the head of Jobbik also announced on the social media that due to the result of the election, an early renewal was announced. The party almost ceased to exist: on Sunday, they won one percent of the votes in the EP elections.

The results of the Hungarian Kétfarkú Kutyapár also turned out to be small, the party received almost the same support as Momentum, 3.6 percent. In other words, as before, they will not have a representative in the European Parliament.

Neither does LMP. The party's co-chairman and EP list leader, Péter Ungár, summed up in a single sentence that the support of their European Parliament list did not reach 1 percent:

"We evaluate our EP election result as unsuccessful," said Péter Ungár.

The EP list leader of the Democratic Coalition, Klára Dobrev, was not satisfied .

"The result is disappointing. We thought that the policy we represent will now be able to win over more voters, will be able to convince more voters"

– announced Klára Dobrev.

Ferenc Gyurcsány was also looking for the reason for the defeat. "We will obviously talk a lot about the deeper reasons for this and what the consequences will be in the coming days and weeks," said Gyurcsány, whose party's support has halved compared to five years ago.

With 8.1 percent of the votes, the Democratic Coalition won only two mandates instead of the previous four.

The Ferenc Gyurcsánys have learned their lesson, Klára Dobrev announced on her social media page on Monday afternoon: they are abolishing the shadow government of the DK.

"The work of the Shadow Government ends today in its current form. Let's continue our work, we will remain who we were five days ago, five months ago, or just five years ago: committed social democrats, European Hungarians. But in order for the left-wing politics, the political alternative that we represent, to enjoy greater support than it currently has, we have to look for new solutions, new tools, new ways," said Klára Dobrev on her social media page, who at the end of her post thanked everyone who he helped the work of the first true shadow government in Hungarian history in the past year and a half.

"Where did you go left? " - an article with this title appeared in the columns of the leftist Népszava on Monday morning. This is how the newspaper puts it: "We can safely say that we can talk about a fall."

The opposition's ship sank in Salgótarján - the left-liberal newspaper 444 wrote about this. The left-wing parties fared badly not only in the European Parliament elections, but also in the local government elections in several big cities that had been led by the opposition until now.

In addition to Salgótarján, they were also defeated by the ruling parties in Miskolc, Baja and Eger.

The fall of the left shows a change in the mood of the opposition, said the analyst of the Center for Fundamental Rights on M1. Levente Szikra emphasized that Momentum hit rock bottom, to which the voters sent a strong message by losing their seats in the European Parliament in the year of the Olympics, but the Hungarian people also punished DK.

"Zt was rewarded and punished by the voters for working against Hungary's interests in the EP for five years, and they were even proud of it. This can also be said about the Democratic Coalition, " Levente Szikra said.

The analyst added: the support of the left has also significantly decreased as a whole, and in the case of several parties, it is questionable whether it will survive at all.

Source: M1 Híradó /

Cover image: Ágnes Kunhalmi, co-president of the MSZP (b) gives a speech at the DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd party alliance's event awaiting the results of the European Parliament and municipal elections at the Radisson Blu Béke Hotel in Budapest on June 10, 2024.
Next to him are Klára Dobrev, the EP list leader of the DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd (j2) and Ferenc Gyurcsány, the president of the DK (j). MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry