The global elite want the war to continue, and the Western politicians who serve them implement it.

In his usual Friday Kossuth radio interview, Viktor Orbán also answered the question of who really deserves the continuation of the Russian-Ukrainian war. According to him, this is the most difficult question, but you can know that profiteers appear in connection with every war, as usual, the military industry and the weapons manufacturers are looking for themselves to death.

It is clear to him that there are politicians who can be bought. According to him, this is also the case with the Hungarian left, which they could buy by the kilo, with rolling dollars. However, he does not understand how western politicians can be bought in the same way.

After all, every such war is a "European civil war", "white, Christian people" exterminate each other, he declared. He emphasized that all wars caused only losses.

So the question remained in the air: how is it possible that Western politicians can be bought to maintain a war in which

do Europeans and Christians destroy each other?

I will try to answer this question. The answer will be very simple.

The starting point is that the continuation of the war is primarily the goal of the global, financial and power elite, among many other actors mentioned by Viktor Orbán. Former American general Douglas Macgregor spoke about this recently, clearly explaining that the global elite has a determined intention to crush, or at least completely weaken, Russia.

This was also discussed by Jeffrey Sachs, the world-famous professor of Columbia University, who emphasized this primarily with regard to the USA, hinting that the USA had already decided to subjugate Russia since 1992. The USA, on the other hand, is the advanced bastion of the deep state - in other words, the global elite - so again he is talking about the same big boys as Macgregor. Also, at one of the headquarters of the global elite, at every meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the big boys, including György Soros, of course, fought alongside the war.

The question is, of course, why they want to completely weaken and dismember Russia, as recently pointed out by Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. Because Russia is the biggest adversary in the implementation of their plan, world governance. Russia demands to be considered as an equal, sovereign, independent great power both at the level of the US and the global elite. He expects the World Economic Forum, in other words, the Davos elite, to be determined to sweep Russia off the field. The global or Davos elite has made it clear for quite some time that nation-states must dissolve in world governance within the framework of the new world order.

And if a small country tries to act against this, it will be easily stopped, but Russia is a nuclear power and still has a significant military industrial base, moreover, it is proud of itself and does not want to surrender to any world government.

This is precisely why the elite circles want to continue the war - in addition to the additional benefits, such as the gigantic profits of transnational companies and financial institutions - until the final victory.

So this is the starting point. But why can't European politicians resist this crazy idea? Maybe because they are idiots, they have lost their common sense, they cannot make normal decisions that protect the interests, lives and safety of European and Western people? No. It's about something else. About the fact that the global, Davos elite has enmeshed Western and European international institutions and nation-states to such an extent over the course of a few decades that today we have reached the point that without their kind of approval, an ambitious, career-seeking politician simply cannot get into government or power, to obtain leading positions in international organizations, or he cannot maintain his power and position if the networks of the global elite do not allow him to do so. In other words, it must serve the global elite, to a lesser or greater extent, the degree of which is determined according to the given challenges and situations. Now there is a war: this is a very high standard, which the politicians have to meet according to the wishes of the big boys.

The network of the global elite is now very wide and it is difficult to list how many institutions operate under their control and following their goals.

The real foundation was the Young Global Leaders, in which real big guns took part. I am listing some names who, after the end of the Cold War, strongly shaped the affairs of Europe and the world from the nineties (I am only listing those names who became and remained supporters of the new, globalist, cosmopolitan world order, fortunately there are exceptions): Angela Former German Chancellor Merkel, Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, great supporter of the Iraq war, good friend Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of the French Republic, José Manuel Barroso, also former president of the European Commission, Guy Verhofstadt or, for example, Lajos Bokros.

In the courses of Young Global Leaders, we can already find names that are middle-aged, active and active in shaping today's political situation - and in implementing the goals of the global elite. Without claiming to be exhaustive: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was one of Klaus Schwab's dearest students, Samantha Power, a lady who also works at USAID, who can safely be called his global shell; Mark Leonard, who was one of the founders of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), established by György Soros in 2007; Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, former Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb, former German Health Minister Philipp Rösler; Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Alexander Soros, Sanna Marin, Finnish Prime Minister until last year; Miheil Saakashvili, former president of Georgia, and I could list more. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock completed the Young Global Leaders Forum in 2020.

But it is not only at the WEF courses that Western and non-Western public figures are networked by global elite circles. An important part of the network is, for example, the already mentioned Soros' European Council on Foreign Relations, whose members include Dávid Korányi, Klára Dobrev and Gordon Bajnai in the Hungarian context.

And finally, let's talk about three important people: Macron, Scholz and Ursula von der Leyen. I'll start with the lady: Von der Leyen is the German leader, because she participated in the meetings of the Bilderberg committee four times, the last time in May 2019; in July he was elected to head the new European Commission. We have admired his useful, deeply committed work for the WEF ever since.

Emmanuel Macron is known to have had a lightning career: he started in the Rothschild banking house, then very quickly became a minister, and soon found himself in the presidency of the republic. Come on now: the big banking dynasties, especially the Rothschilds, were present in almost every big war, and they got a lot of income from them. Will they get really mad at me if I say that the Rothschilds don't have it despite Macron making increasingly crazier statements like he's deliberately provoking Europe into World War?

Finally, Olaf Scholz: already when he was mayor of Hamburg, he came into contact with giant companies, with the Warburg dynasty in connection with the CumEx scandal, and he is closely connected to the circles of the global elite, he also participated in the meeting of the Bilderberg Committee. I don't consider him a sovereign personality in European politics either.

Maybe I was understandable, that's why I don't want to reason any further at the end.

My short answer to the open question is that the majority of European politicians - with respect to the exception, especially Viktor Orbán - are not sovereign, as they are, and precisely because of this, many European countries are no longer sovereign. Behind their decisions, their war madness, their self-aggrandizing mood, there are much bigger forces, which is why they are more executors, rather useful idiots, than responsible European or Western leaders.

And this is truly pathetic and infinitely dangerous.

If the sovereignist side is successful, the fundamentals of the union must be renewed, because otherwise it is not certain that the status quo will remain sustainable.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Photo: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay