The US State Department authorized the delivery of US weapons to the Ukrainian Azov Brigade, whose members openly profess ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi views. Weapons shipments have previously been restricted due to the unit's ties to a hateful ideology.

The decision was made following a State Department review of the Azov Brigade, a former militia that is now part of the Ukrainian National Guard.

Biden administration to allow Ukrainian military unit with questionable record to use US weapons

- announced the US State Department on Monday, after lifting the ban ordered years ago, which was introduced due to concerns in Washington about the origin of the group, The Washington Post , which was seen by the Magyar Nemzet .

They were banned from using U.S. weapons about a decade ago because U.S. officials say they hold racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist views, and U.N. human rights officials have also accused the group of humanitarian violations.

"After a thorough investigation, the 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade of Ukraine passed the Leahy inspection conducted by the US State Department," the agency said in a statement.

The so-called “Leahy Act” prevents the United States from providing military aid to foreign entities that have been credibly found to have committed serious human rights violations.

The State Department said in a statement that "no evidence" of such violations was found.

A U.S. State Department spokesman declined to say when the ban was lifted or whether U.S. weapons had already reached the Azov fighters.

Cover photo: Volunteers of the Azov Battalion of the National Guard of Ukraine take an oath in Kiev on January 3, 2015, before their unit departs for eastern Ukraine. (MTI/EPA/Serhíj Dolzenko)