The minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office considers it unthinkable that the KDNP will be in the same faction in the EP as the Tisza Party.

At Wednesday's meeting, the government also evaluated the elections, Gergely Gulyás said in Thursday's Government Information.

– We would like to thank everyone who participated in the election. The result strengthened the government. The governing parties received more votes than the second, third, and fourth places combined, said the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office, adding that this provides a solid basis for the government to represent peace in the world.

If this had not happened, they would not have been able to get Hungary to leave the NATO mission in Ukraine.

Hungary does not participate in NATO's Ukrainian mission with money, weapons, or soldiers, the minister said, confirming what Viktor Orbán said yesterday. Gulyás said: Hungary provides asylum seekers with the right to asylum, no one is sent back to Ukraine for conscription.

The European Court of Justice issued a verdict today in a protracted case, which was to be expected, since it was previously indicated that our country would be fined six million euros per day if it does not allow migrants in. Gergely Gulyás called this outrageous, adding: the court punishes those countries that protect Europe's external its borders.

The EU court made a scandalous decision against our country

This verdict could never have been handed down in a normal court, he declared. The European Commission would have asked for a penalty of 7 million euros, in comparison, the court sentenced our country to 200 million euros (this means almost HUF 80 billion).

– The court established a payment of 1 million euros per day until the judgment is fulfilled. The verdict goes against what we think about European law and the Hungarian constitution, said Gulyás.

Eszter Vitályos said about the developments handed over in recent weeks, investments in the amount of HUF 310 billion were realized in Hungary, a total of 84 projects.

- Developments affecting healthcare were realized in the amount of HUF 8.8 billion, the new emergency patient care unit of the Pécs University Clinical Center Pediatric Clinic was handed over, and the Újbuda Pediatric Health Center was handed over, the total cost of the development was HUF 4 billion. In Etyek, a new health center built with HUF 407 million was handed over. He said about the road infrastructure developments, the largest is the Páty western bypass, as well as the new Danube bridge connecting Paks with Kalocsa, the Tomori Pál bridge.

In the field of culture and public education, an investment of almost 14 billion was realized, the government spokesman explained, in addition to the Tisza castle in Geszt, the development of the Szolnok castle district for tourist purposes and the construction of the Bridge of National Unity in Sátoraljaújhely were also completed.

Family-friendly investments At the Mátraverebély holy well, a place of farewell was handed over, which is visited by three hundred thousand pilgrims every year. The Calvary chapel was expanded, but the families also got two playgrounds, 3.4 billion.

Developments in the field of education were realized in the amount of HUF 20 billion: from HUF 1.5 billion, the University of Miskolc was handed over the methodology center for scientific data analysis. He explained about the developments in the field of sports, a sports hall was built in Mezőhegyesen, a sports center was established in Karcagon, and a slide park was expanded in Harkány.

Significant investments were made in the area of ​​business development: TDK expanded its sensor production capacity in Szombathely from 115 billion, and Hell energy expanded its capacity expansion investment in Szikszón.

In connection with the home renovation program, he said, the final call for tenders will be posted on the website on Monday, so the contractors who will be chosen by the investors can pre-register. The public can apply from July 1.

Gergely Gulyás said about the airport purchase: in times of war, the fact that the airport is in Hungarian hands is reassuring. He added that the current governing parties were against the sale of the airport at the time.

In response to a journalist's question, Gulyás said: he considers it unthinkable that the KDNP will be in the same faction in the EP as the Tisza Party. He believes that either the Tisza Party will not be included in the People's Party, or the KDNP will leave.

He could not give a deadline for the state takeover of municipally-owned specialist clinics. According to the head of the ministry, however, it would be reasonable, but such a government decision has not yet been made.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Gergely Gulyás, the Minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office at the Government Info press conference
MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák