You can't hang a cross around your neck, you can't write "no gender" or "no migration" on your jersey, because the salt office will punish you, but the track accessories will be in rainbow colors. Written by Ervin Nagy.

Why should we accept that religious symbols and political messages cannot be worn on football pitches, but the "rainbow flag" can be there? If we don't agree with the goals of gender ideology, then let us: we don't want to see the symbols there either! But what reason would there be to applaud the English footballers (and who knows who else?) kneeling before the starting whistle?

It must be awkward as the great-grandson of a British slaveholder to do nothing in a joint-stock company while the money is rolling in, but that's none of our business.

However, those who raise these questions are ostracized, disabled, or worse, mentally lynched.

The trick is that the goal of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and gender propaganda has not become a political, but a social problem in mass culture, so it has been voiced through sports - that is, it cannot be disputed.

More precisely, they don't allow it, so at least it's not worth it.

We are over the election. We would think that a calmer, less political world would greet us. The football EC is here! We are looking forward to the tournament in Germany, we are looking forward to good football and a great performance by the Hungarians.

But some prepare for the games by waving rainbow flags, and some practice kneeling.

Those who want to shove their considered exclusive opinion down the throats of the millions sitting in front of the TV have appeared again.

But of course - thank God - the unsuspecting majority tunes in too; they "only" want to see a goal. (In defense of the indispensable good goalkeepers, let's add: there are also those who insist that their team's netminder "draw the curtain".) They will be disturbed that two political viruses once again infect the healthy competitive world of football pitches, which do not tolerate anything else beside you. One is the BLM movement, and the other is the gender ideology that advocates an anthropological revolution against the laws of nature.

But what are we talking about?

The news is that the stadium in Munich will once again be dressed in rainbow colors, and the German organizers are also preparing to give way to gender ideology in other ways.

By the way, the rainbow is a biblical symbol that symbolizes the relationship between man and God, "only" the progressives stole this too!

And it is guaranteed that, in addition to the English, several national teams will kneel before the first whistle.

What kind of deranged organizers are those who predict that neither political nor religious symbols will be tolerated on the field, but the issue of expanding LGBTQ rights and what the BLM movement has to say can come?

You can't hang a cross around your neck, you can't write "no gender" or "no migration" on your jersey, because the salt office will punish you, but the track accessories will be in rainbow colors.

What the far-left generation of '68 had to say and the elitist position of the neoliberal politicians who debated and cooperated with them have now converged. According to them, people cannot decide for themselves what is good for them; what is right.

So they have to be "awakened" (woke).

And the most effective tool for this is (mass) culture. You have to infiltrate here, you have to occupy these areas, and you have to spread propaganda here. (Free after Lenin - see scenario "What is to be done?"!)

And sport is part of mass culture. Thus, the most popular sports, reaching hundreds of millions on TV, must be filled with propaganda.

That's why there will be a rainbow flag and that's why the players of some national teams will kneel.

In fact, two policies are opposed to each other. The progressives have a different worldview, a diametrically opposed attitude. According to this, the past is organically connected to the present, in which it is correct to follow tried and tested moral principles, to look at our traditions with a protective intention, and to pass all of this on to the next generation. That is, we do not question the traditional concept of the family, the differences created between men and women, and we are not ashamed of things from the past that we have nothing to do with.

Absolutely! We don't think that technical progress is also moral progress, so we don't want to judge or condemn the past according to today's fashionable viewpoints.

The difference between the two points of view is actually a political difference, so the cultural battle between progressives and conservatives will ultimately be a political battle about zeitgeist.

However, contemporary liberals aligned with the left handle the issue in an elitist way, i.e. they do not want to open a debate about it.

Rather, they dominate mass culture and use its effective tools to reframe the debate. Thus, the dispute about the propagation of LGBTQ rights. They suggest that it is an important social issue and indisputable basic human rights, where there is no place for political debate. Anyone who speaks against these "rights" is an "extremist" or a "homophobe", so they should be expelled from Europe.

However, one can argue for and against LGBTQ rights. This possibility, or more precisely the legitimacy of the argument against it, is questioned by the progressive "network" that dominates mass culture, which, moreover, is not a political actor chosen by the people, i.e. an anti-democratic organization.

Václav Klaus rightly asks the poetic question in his article "On the roller coasters of freedom", why is it that it is not possible to have political debates about LGBTQ rights and their propagation, that such cultural-political groups and NGOs decide the " correct answer" that no one has ever voted for anywhere?

Democracy would want exactly the opposite!

Frank Füredi writes in his book "Borders at the Crossroads": "Openness is considered an unconditional virtue in Western culture. In terms of cultural authority, it even surpasses the inviolability of the intimate sphere." And this is not right, just as it is not right to interfere in the private affairs of an adult - who he loves and in what way.

You can't have a political debate about the intimate sphere, but you can about children's rights and national self-determination.

The zeitgeist of Europe today longs for endless, but foolish and empty openness. To that openness, which is nothing but limitlessness.

However, this is not the characteristic behavior of an adventurous and curious person, but a characteristic of a lifestyle falling from progression to nihilism.

The idea of ​​borderlessness ultimately breaks down national communities and tears apart the concept of the traditional family.

The gender ideology symbolized by Willkommenskultur and the rainbow flag eliminates geographical boundaries and dissolves the dividing line between men and women. The consequence is tragic. Without geographical borders, the security of existence of Europeans ceases, and by destroying symbolic borders, we cross the threshold of normality.

We need boundaries. They provide security, help you find your way around the world, and last but not least, there is no morality without borders. Our cultural borders preserve and protect our traditions and help us remain human even in inhumane times.

There is freedom between borders, but without borders we can only be freedom and nothing.

The idea of ​​borderlessness has become an ideology that has infiltrated all aspects of life: it breaks down the "walls" that provide security between nation-states, adults and children, men and women, and the public and private spheres. Geographical and symbolic borders are blurring, so an identity crisis is developing, writes Frank Füredi.

The progressives, on the other hand, do not want to argue about whether this goal is really the right goal. That's why there will be rainbow flags in Munich, that's why football players will kneel.

The zeitgeist of borderlessness reached Central Europe and Hungary as well. Gloves must be put on, because in this region we still know that erasing geographical borders will destroy our safe life, and erasing mental and biological borders will eliminate normality.

We must transfer this knowledge to Western Europe. They have something to learn from us.

Cover image: The Hungarian national team did not kneel
Source: Youtube / Mandiner