Gergely Karácsony apologized for his leaked words that he would beat his rival, the mayoral candidate of the LMP-Zöldek and the Vitézy Dávidal Budapestért Egyesület to death with a shovel, Dávid Vitézy said in his Facebook post on Thursday.

    "Tonight in Partizán, mayor Gergely Karácsony called back after the broadcast, keeping his promise to Márton Gulyás, so the phone conversation I initiated on the night of the election finally took place"

- wrote Dávid Vitézy in the post, who accepted Gergely Karácsony's apology.

    "I am very confident that whatever the outcome of the legal remedies and the recount, we can restore normal human tone. I will do this with all my might, because it is also in Budapest's interest, and I consider today's conversation an important step in this direction" -

he added.

According to the post, they briefly explained to each other their arguments that have already been presented to the public regarding the election remedies, in this case the final result of Friday's recount and possible further legal remedies will be decisive, he wrote.

Dávid Vitézy also announced with Gergelly Karácsony that he will accept and respect whichever of them will be the mayor according to the final election results.

"If he becomes the one, I will stand up in every public forum in favor of the fact that he is the elected mayor, I told him this directly"

Dávid Vitézy wrote in his Facebook post.


Photo: Gergely Karácsony Facebook