In Hungary, according to surveys, 64,000 fathers are raising their children without a partner.

According to the announcement of the Single Parent Center, according to the 2022 census, there are 341,000 families in Hungary that are missing one parent.

Based on the numbers, in 19 percent of single-parent families, the father is raising the children, while a decade earlier this was only 13 percent - i.e. 44 thousand fathers - they added.

Experience shows that - although the tasks are the same, no matter which parent raises the children - single fathers generally receive more help from their environment, society is more understanding and supportive in their case - they wrote, adding that this is probably due to the fact that the raising children and maintaining a family is still considered by society to be more of a woman's task.

In Hungary, nearly 9 percent of the population, or 831,000 people, live in single-parent families.

There are single-parent centers in two places in Budapest - Pest and Buda - which also operate rural and cross-border networks.

The first Single Parent Center in Pest was opened in May 2018 to provide practical help and fellowship to families without one parent. In recent years, the centers have reached more than 30,000 single-parent families with their more than 70 types of services, the announcement states.


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