After the ugly fall of DK, which lost its base, it is a big question whether the capital will continue to be a paying place without performance.

"If Gergely Karácsony could no longer use the City Hall as a springboard, he will try to use it as a lifeboat for the DK and the MSZP," said candidate for mayor Dávid Vitézy a few days ago. Although, based on the recount, Gergely Karácsony is likely to remain the mayor with a margin of only 41 votes - although even this has not been decided due to appeals - the big question is whether Ferenc Gyurcsány's veterans will continue to queue at the capital's cash register in the next term, or whether they will succeed to oust them, others from the left might come to take their place.

It is certain that Karácsony can forget the previous system operating at the City Hall.

According to political analyst Gábor G. Fodor - he talked about this in the Origo podcast - Gergely Karácsony "true to his political career so far, that he stabbed everyone in the back and betrayed everyone, now he will stab the DK in the back, because it is in his interest to be close to the Tisza party".

It is difficult to predict what can be expected in the coming five years of the capital assembly, but one of the pivotal and for now open questions will be how far the representatives of the newly joined Tisza party will support Gyurcsány's influence.

The clear line is that DK lost the worst in the election, together with MSZP and Párbeszéd, it has only seven mandates.

All of this affects the person of Gergely Karácsony, since the newly recruited cadres of the left-wing Tisza party will also be able to apply for both money and influence in the capital.

It is certain that the 10-member faction of Fidesz-KDNP will try to prevent payments without performance and that professionals fill the important positions. This is also Dávid Vitézy's goal, he revealed in broad terms how he envisions the alliances, majority voting and his cooperation with the mayor, but he will only have three representatives. He feels that it is very remote that a good cooperation could develop between him and Karácsony in the future, because

the mayor struck a rude, dirty tone towards him in the campaign.

"I want to work on improving Budapest along professional lines. For example, we may have major disputes with DK on transport matters, as they have so far rather pushed back the transport policy. For example, I will not agree with Karácson, but probably with the Tisza party, that the boards of companies in the capital should not function as political paymasters and that Tibor Draskovics should not sit on the board for another five years," detailed Dávid Vitézy.

It is certain that the representatives of the Fidesz-KDNP will support the elimination of the toll booth, as Alexandra Szentkirályi put a lot of emphasis on this in her campaign, specifically saying that her first task would be to clean the City Hall, since the citizens of the capital will pay the "billion-dollar Gyurcsány bill".

Using a poster, he showed that - according to their current calculations - about HUF 842 million is the salary of people "connected by a thousand threads" to Ferenc Gyurcsány and the DK, who receive their salaries from capital companies, asset managers, supervisory boards or the capital municipality itself.

Szentkirályi highlighted: the amount of nearly one billion is a third of the amount spent on road renovations in one year, and half of what was taken from the public cleaning company in Budapest, as well as four times the amount spent on animal health.

Let's see what kind of "bag" Budapest is likely to carry with it until October:

– Karácsony completely neglected the city for 4.5 years, he did not have a single major investment on his own initiative. However, the left inherited a record reserve of HUF 214 billion from István Tarlós, just as it also obtained a record revenue of HUF 1,100 billion in business tax in the current cycle...

- He unjustifiably reduced the technical content of the plans of the inherited projects - such as the renovation of Blaha Lujza tér or the Lánchíd - and made the implementation much more expensive.

- While the citizens of Budapest avoided potholes and weeds in the capital, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, or lost money in the traffic jams caused by the Karácsonys, and some of the public areas became the home of drug addicts and pipers, Karácsony kept paying Gyurcsány and Bajnai's men, who invaded the City Hall.

- The mayor increased the price of bus tickets by 28 percent. There is no money, but one day before the increase, he still awarded a HUF 65 million bonus to the managers of BKV and BKK...

- The "Gyurcsány cadres" received multimillion-dollar bonuses from Karácsony even when the city was running on loans and there were thousands of complaints about its operation...

- The mentioned fallen politicians also took their salaries as Christmas advisers or, for example, as committee members, while Budapest was not developing, although they hardly cared about that...

Cover photo: Gergely Karácsony and Ferenc Gyurcsány
Photo: MTI/Zoltán Balogh