Guard of honor is given by the territorial defense reservists.

"A new tradition is starting in the castle. From now on, the seven territorial defense reserve regiments will perform a guard of honor in front of the main building in two-week shifts," announced Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in a video posted on social media.

The head of the Ministry of National Defense pointed out that our territorial defense reservists received thorough training from the bodyguard regiment, "where the specialists of this very beautiful military task, the honor guard, work".

According to the minister, he himself served as a reserve group commander in the palace guard during his reserve military service.

Then he had the opportunity to learn all the details of this very difficult branch of service.

"Come see them! We are proud of our military traditions and military values, which our territorial defense reservists can show you here in the castle. Peace requires strength, we will continue the work," said the minister.

Cover photo: Minister of National Defense Szalay-Bobrovniczky-Kristóf
Source: Facebook/Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky