The Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) is leaving the European People's Party (EPP) and its faction, after Péter Magyar was hired by the EPP on Tuesday, announced party leader Zsolt Semjén and EP representative György Hölvényi.

In their statement, they recalled that the Christian Democratic People's Party made it clear after the discussion with Manfred Weber: on the one hand, it cannot identify with the war doctrine of the EPP, and on the other hand, it cannot accept the admission of Péter Magyar to the EPP faction, or the Tisza Party to the EPP, for moral reasons.

It was pointed out: this EPP is no longer what its Christian Democratic founders created as a result of its identity-losing shift to the left.

Recently, the Christian Democratic voices within the EPP have been getting quieter, and over the years more and more difficult compromises have been necessary.

The EPP's war doctrine is contrary to the commitment to peace for which the European Union itself was created at the time, they emphasized.

Zsolt Semjén and György Hölvényi pointed out: the EPP - where it has reached now - and Péter Magyar qualify each other morally.

In the future, as it has been doing for 80 years, the Christian Democratic People's Party will continue to represent the interests of Hungarians and the values ​​of Christian democracy in Hungary and the European Union. György Hölvényi - using the opportunities offered by the new mandate - will continue his fight for the persecuted Christians, they wrote in the announcement.


Featured image: Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén, President of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) holds a press conference after his meeting with Manfred Weber, President of the European People's Party (EPP), flanked by György Hölvényi, Member of the European Parliament and Vice President of the KDNP, in the Carmelite Monastery (Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé)