The members of the Tömeges Összlengyel Farmers' Demonstration will pour several tons of pig manure on the most dangerous sections of the eastern border in order to stop illegal migrants, one of the organizers of the action announced to the Polish internet portal Wirtualna Polska.

"We will start sprinkling the border strip on the Polish-Belarusian border with pig manure. This is how we express our solidarity with our law enforcement agencies. We will show the authorities how to protect our territory"  

- the site quoted the statement on Tuesday.

"We expect that illegal migrants will not cross this lane if they follow the precepts of their faith" 

said another farmer.

The protesters reminded that according to the statistics so far, the majority of illegal migrants are adherents of the Islamic religion, and according to its laws, pigs are considered an unclean animal.

According to the decree of the Polish Ministry of the Interior, which came into effect on June 13, a buffer zone will be created on the border with Belarus. Its length is 60.67 km, its width ranges from 200 meters to 2 kilometers. Restrictions on movement and residence within the zone were introduced in 27 settlements.

The zone was established for 90 days, but the restrictive measures can be extended.


Cover image: Illustration / MTI/EPA-PAP/Leszek Szymanski