There are politicians who occasionally lie. Who more often, who less often, according to taste and interest. There are those who only tell the truth in the morning, night and evening, and there are those who go even further, lying day and night, both awake and in their dreams. For example, a person with a Hungarian name (but not a Hungarian at heart).

He told a big lie again, but that's no wonder. We can get used to it, since this is a permanent condition for him, it only shades his aggressiveness and his insane desire for power and revenge. And it wasn't yesterday that he struggled with the task.

He started with his wife, since the fact that he secretly recorded their private conversation is a lie in itself. After all, he showed himself - or rather just said - as a husband who is worried about his family, while the man who is worried about his family, why would he do such a thing? In addition, it was a triple lie, in addition to the meanness he committed in "protecting his family" (how could he protect his family with a vamzer recording?) he lied about his aggressive and degrading actions towards his wife, what's more, he wanted to destroy the aforementioned "family protection" under the pretext of his wife who is a hundred times smarter and more sympathetic than him. To put it more simply, he lied that he wanted to protect him, but in fact, driven by infinite envy and an inferiority complex, he wanted to destroy him in the first place.

His next blatant lie was that his secret recording was a nuclear bomb, and if he released it, the government would have to go. He published the recording, its nonsensical content was not only an atom, but it did not match a normal bomb, nor even a pistol bullet. At most a soft pop, which could have been a whimper.

Here comes the next capital lie. Now he goes to the prosecutor's office and after that the members of the government flee the country on separate planes. No one ran away from anywhere. Pussy.

Another lie: you have more recordings tucked away, you just have to find them. He's been looking for it ever since. I am reminded of the old text: "Do not look where there is none, says Doctor Vavrinec." It's a shame that this figure didn't know the slogan, otherwise he might not see it as a futile search.

Meanwhile, he lied left and right. He denied that he had terrorized his wife to the point where there was a police report about what happened, he lied about the fake suicide, because both the police and the paramedics lie. And HVG, which made the police report public, is also lying, as is ATV, who did not invite him to their program every day. But the conservative press is also lying, because he did not bully his supporters to the point of lynching when he incited them to attack the Hír TV reporter. And he didn't bully his fanatics in Tatabánya either, when he sent his followers to the Turul restaurant. And it is also not true that Putnokon shouted insults at those leaving the church. It is true that all this is proven by video recordings, but the recording, the camera, also lies.

We should not believe what we see, but what the account Lenin claims.

But he's not lying, he just sees reality a little differently. For example, it sees the transceiver as an internet blocker, which it is, even if it clearly isn't. You can say that the evil government sent two thousand agents on his neck, even if there are not that many in this country in total. And it is possible to lie that the new messiah's train car was not locked on the train to Debrecen, while it was locked, and that his lover's criminal mother is innocence itself, even though she was imprisoned.

He also lied that he didn't want to be a politician, but quickly became one anyway. Also that he does not form a party. Well, he kept to that, he didn't start one, but he bought one for himself.

He lied about the costs of his "demonstrations" and the source of their funding. Because according to him, the whole super sound system, staging, etc. only cost as much as a portion of scrambled eggs. This is what he could do. Of course, that scrambled egg may be made from golden eggs, then I would be interested to know what the hens that lay the golden eggs are called.

What else did he lie about? Let's say that you voluntarily accept applicants for your party's EU election list. How interesting that the chosen ones are not painters, sculptors, stonemasons or ballet dancers, but great people who have already proven that they have nothing to do with being Hungarian, on the contrary. The microführer must have searched for a long time for the most suitable candidates, or - and this is the most likely - he received an envelope from somewhere with the names intended for the list. Of course, if anyone were to point this out to Pyotr Vengerský (alias Péter Magyar), he would shrug it off.

And one or two more capital lies. Pyotr declared that he has no intention of sitting in the capital's general assembly, and let no one think that he will occupy one of the seats of representatives in Brussels. Now what do we hear? That the masses demand the opposite from him, which is why he "votes" his followers on how to decide. I think exactly as in the case of "volunteer representative candidates". Because it is possible to pretend that he cares who says what, but what does it mean to control the result of a virtual vote? Not much, just enough to make a decision that Pyotr is happy to accept. It is an old truth that it is not important who votes, but who counts the votes.

Tuti is certain that he will bend under the overwhelming weight of the final result and will fail in the local government board just as he did in the European Parliament. Because Pyotr is a thrifty person, he stoops even for small change. The 4-5 million monthly appanage, which can only be supplemented by the capital's honorarium, is not bad. Well, it's not much, but it's something.

There is no doubt that we have the Hungarian Pinoccio. Only he lies more than Collodi's fairy-tale hero. They may remember the ominous scene in Shrek 2, when you have to use the key to reach the handcuffs of the ogre chained to the wall. But the goal is far away, and since there is no other solution, the wooden doll is encouraged by everyone to lie, because then its elongated nose can be the bridge that leads to the chains.

Is it possible that Pyotr Vengerszki is also being encouraged by a still unknown Mézike to tell bigger lies? If so, he's well on his way to getting his nose from here to Brussels.

Featured image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák