The war in Ukraine currently has only one important question: How can we scare Russia from deploying the nuclear weapons that it has developed for this very eventuality, with the collapse of its conventional forces?

famous a few days ago is a gem of self-repeating Arafat rhetoric and bears no resemblance to JFK's heavyweight threat when he said that

"Then it will be a very cold winter".

Another mistake that President Biden made in the 60 Minutes interview was that he put chemical and tactical nuclear weapons in one basket.

It's time to finally face the fact that talking about "weapons of mass destruction" in general is a way of normalizing nuclear weapons.


Because in recent decades we have broken all the taboos related to chemical weapons.

In Yemen, Namibia, Iraq and most recently in Syria. President Obama hammered the final nail into the coffin of the chemical warfare taboo. When the Syrian regime crossed the "red line" drawn by the American president without the hyperpower reacting to it, the taboo was finally broken.

In the given situation, it would be much more useful to take the issue of chemical weapons out of the basket and focus exclusively on nuclear weapons.

If we really want to scare the Russians, the West must provide Ukraine with a "nuclear umbrella", that is, a credible promise that we will respond to a nuclear strike on Ukraine with a nuclear strike.

Provided we are really serious about it.

If not, it is better to use the right to remain silent and ambiguity ".

President Biden missed even that opportunity.

minor incursion of January 19 . That is, the response of the USA will be determined by the size of a possible Russian nuclear strike. On February 24, we were able to see how effective this recurring motif of Biden's deterrence policy is.

If we do not place Ukraine under the nuclear protection umbrella of the West, and as soon as possible, then the Russians may interpret President Biden's speech as meaning that they have practically been given a free hand to deploy nuclear weapons, provided that they do not push the envelope too much.

In addition to the nuclear issue, this is also the measure of the West's commitment.

If we don't give Ukraine Western tanks, long-range strike devices, or a nuclear umbrella, then it's very clear who in this escalating game of "cowardly rabbit" pulled the government away sooner.

So don't be surprised if the 21st century becomes the century of nuclear wars.

Why wouldn't it be?


Photo: Pixabay