The prosecutor's office investigated all the threads, and it turned out that Péter Magyar was not telling the truth.

Pál Fürcht, spokesperson of the Central Investigative Prosecutor General's Office, held a press conference about the investigation into the audio recording of the private conversation of the former Minister of Justice, Judit Varga.

At the end of March, Judit Varga's ex-husband Péter Magyar, who has since become a politician, made public an audio recording he called an atomic bomb, on which, according to his interpretation, it is written that the investigative documents of the Völner-Schadl case were manipulated afterwards.

The audio material was made by Judit Varga's ex-husband in their shared apartment back in January 2023.

When the recording was made public, Magyar made serious accusations about the prosecutor's office, to which Pál Fürcht responded - also in the context of a press conference.

Pál Fürcht announced already then: Péter Magyar's claim that the prosecution documents were transcribed and disappeared,

it is not only a legal, but also a physical impossibility, since these are documented from the beginning, they are not stored in one place, the details also appear in other databases.

There is no such thing as pulling anything out of the prosecutor's file, the prosecutors work as a team and check each other, the chief prosecutor underlined. At the time, he revealed as much about the investigation that Judith Varga was interviewed as a witness, as well as Péter Magyar.

At the current press conference, prosecutor's office spokesperson Katalin Kovács said: an investigation was launched based on a complaint from a private individual, in which 9 witnesses were questioned, experts were involved and thousands of documents were examined.

One direction of the investigation was whether the failure to report the Völner case on the part of members of the government, if they knew about it earlier?

In this regard, Katalin Kovács said that

according to the investigation, no member of the government was previously aware of the corruption crime involving Pál Völner, so such an omission could not have occurred.

Pál Fürcht added to this: Péter Magyar only found out about the Völner-Schadl case when the former president of the executive faculty was questioned, and he was not aware that anyone else could have learned about the case earlier.

Fürcht said: Antal Rogán and Gergely Gulyás were also questioned by the prosecution as witnesses and they corroborated the same.

Regarding the alleged manipulation of the case files, Katalin Kovács said: it was established that no one tampered with the files.

Judit Varga shared rumors with her ex-husband, and the person mentioned in the audio as Detti did not visit the prosecutor's office, he added.

In addition, what was said on Péter Magyar's audio recording contains material errors that exclude from the outset that someone could have obtained it from the investigative documents.

Also, no one deleted the evidence related to the crime. This would have required a coordinated activity covering the courts, which would not have been possible even with internal help, emphasized Katalin Kovács.

Pál Fürcht said: according to Magyar, the recording was made in January 2023, when they were still living together, but were already preparing for divorce. According to the testimony of the former justice minister, Magyar was already preparing for a public role at that time and constantly wanted to refute rumors with his ex-wife.

The indictment was submitted by the prosecutor's office in November 2022, which was transferred to the Metropolitan Court, which began the proceedings that same month.

After this, it is surreal to talk about someone going into the prosecutor's office and extracting things from the files in January 2023, argued the chief prosecutor.

Varga also said that he also found out about the Völner-Schadl case from the press. Moreover, it is not said in the conversation that Antal Rogán or his people extracted incriminating data.

Regarding the references to Antal Rogán in the wiretap material of the Völner-Schadl case, Fürcht said: the relevant audio material was outside the judge's permission and could not legally be used in the proceedings. Despite this, they also examined whether there was any basis in reality that Antal Rogán had influenced some kind of public procurement, but no such data emerged.

Was Völner warned that proceedings had been initiated against him and that he would be eavesdropped? – the prosecutor's office investigated this thread as well.

But when the National Protection Service began questioning Schadl, the name of Pál Völner did not even appear, nor was it included in the documents sent to the prosecutor's office.

At the beginning of 2021, the only thing that came up was that the former president of the Hungarian Court Executive and the former state secretary have a close relationship. Suspicions about the former state secretary only arose in the fall of that year, and they only started investigating the Völner case after that, Katalin Kovács said.

There was no evidence that Völner had been warned in advance, nor that he had received such information in the days before the suspicion. De-conspiracy has ruled out the possibility, said the prosecutor's spokesman. Pál Völner spoke with Antal Rogán on November 2, 2021, but the authorities ordered his wiretapping only the next day.

Katalin Kovács also denied that György Schadl had been notified, and that was why he wanted to go abroad. This is proven, among other things, by the fact that a lot of evidence was seized from him after his arrest.

The investigation therefore did not reveal a crime in the case - Katalin Kovács concluded.

Cover photo: Péter Magyar in the ATV studio
Source: Képprényfótó/YouTube