The Székely Vágta, the preliminaries of the National Vágta in Székelyföld, will be held this weekend at its traditional location, on the Óriáspince roof in Třámszék.

The main patron of the two-day equestrian parade, which will be accompanied by numerous cultural and traditional events – concerts, rock operas, archery and stunt shows, show-jumping competitions, equestrian wrestling, and greyhound racing – is János Árpád Potápi, the Prime Minister's State Secretary responsible for national policy.

According to the program published by the organizers, after the opening on Saturday morning, four-person teams from Kézdivásárhely, Maksa, Papolc, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Szováta, and Zágon will compete in the fun team competitions of the Góbé Olympia. After the children's concert of the Tekergők Kisegyüttes Egen-föld, the traditional showjumping show will take place, then the Tiltott Illés band will perform with Illés and Fonograph songs.

The preliminaries of the Kishuszár Vágta, the Góbé Race and the Székely Vágta, organized for children, start on Saturday afternoon, at which time the equestrian wrestling will also take place. The day ends with the rock opera Honfoglazal, a large-scale production of the National Equestrian Theatre, colorful with stunt scenes and equestrian archery.

On Sunday at noon, the second day begins with a hussar skill competition, the Kincskeresők Folk Dance Ensemble will perform, and visitors to Vágta can watch a medieval military show and a greyhound run with the participation of the Order of the Golden Griffon.

After the Huszár Vágta, the Kishuszár Vágta finals start at 5 p.m., and the Góbé Futam and Székely Vágta finals start at 6 p.m.

On the Óriáspince-tetö, permanent programs await the Székelyföld public on the weekend - children's activities, craft fair, animal petting zoo, Incitato exhibition, horse riding organized by the Vadon Lovas Klub, presentation of the Székelyföld Száblyavívó School.

After the ceremonial results announcement, the day ends with a concert by Új Bojtorján.

17 settlements entered the Góbé race (in which horses of any breed and gender, at least four years old, can be entered), and 10 settlements in Székelyföld entered their horses in the Székely Vágta, which is considered the preliminary race of the National Vágta (in which, according to the regulations, only horses bred in Hungary or Hungarian breeding abroad can be entered) and his rider. The best of the Székely Vágta and the Kishuszár Vágta also make it to the National Vágta.

The 17th National Vágta will be organized between October 5 and 6 at the Lipica Equestrian Center in Szilvásvárad.


Front page photo: Illustration / The 2018 and 2019 winner Arnold Nagy (b) and the 2017 winner Tamás Petrik in the preliminaries of the 14th National Vágta on Hõsök Square on October 2, 2021.
MTI/Tamás Kovács