The European Championship has started, where eight of the 24 participants are not members of the EU, so the continent is not the same as the Union at all. There are happily recognized and well-functioning states outside of it as well.

The question whether we have a place in the Union has been raised for a long time. The majority of society and political parties are in favor of remaining, but it is becoming more and more obvious that the Europe of our dreams, or even as we imagined it at the time of accession, has now changed significantly.

As if they wanted to provoke us on purpose, in Brussels they do not let the tension between the center and Budapest calm down for even a minute. Immediately after the EP elections, the court verdict was published, due to the inadequate handling of illegal migration (actually, because we protect the EU's borders with our own money, so that they cannot be flooded even more by migrants who occasionally stab some natives as most recently during the German-Scottish match in Magdeburg ) he imposed a horrible, never-before-seen penalty on Hungary, which even had a negative effect on the exchange rate of the forint, thus causing another billion in damages.

While the money due to us according to the contracts (for example, because we opened our market and ceded control over countless areas to Brussels) is not paid, in addition to many advantages, our economy also has many disadvantages. In addition, what was not originally discussed, they try to force their own narratives and expectations on us in political and even ideological matters, sometimes not even shying away from blackmail or open intervention, violating the sovereignty of our country.

There is therefore not much of a political argument for staying inside. The ease of travel is unquestionable, although Romanians have been members of the organization for 17 years, they can only enter and exit through border control, and since covid, the Austrians have also occasionally lowered the barriers. It would certainly cause some difficulties for our economy, but we could replace them with alternatives that are currently not applicable due to the EU. We will not move our country away, we will remain exactly where we have always been, in the middle of Europe (or at least on the eastern edge of the middle part of it). Unless they deliberately want to get rid of us, they still have an interest in maintaining further business relations, if only because this way we might be an even bigger gateway to those markets and partners (China, the Caucasus, Turkey, the Middle East) with which the EU has an interest economic cooperation. We would finally get rid of political threats, perpetual humiliations and broken promises.

Many people think that this means that we are pushing the country into Siberia. Although many of them, from Switzerland to Albania, from Norway to Turkey, are not members of the EU, they have excellent trade relations with it, their economy is also in order, and they can also start in the BL.

We have gained experience in such separations: against our will, but after nearly four hundred years, we left the Habsburg bond. According to our will, we broke away from the Soviet sphere of interest after forty-five years. The world wouldn't collapse this time either, if we cut the threads from Brussels, whether by our own good will or otherwise.

Huxit is therefore mentioned here and there (by the way, it also arises in relation to other countries, on the example of the English Brexit), although the term is not a lucky one. Exit, departure - in fact, the Latin original is death in the medical sense - suggests that the person is going away, leaving his environment. Not really. It stays where it was. (Nor did the British Isles sail across the Atlantic to the Equator.) Rather be mischievous, where cut means cut; it cuts itself off from the harmful organism, it is removed from the environment. The word can also be interpreted in Hungarian, a bit mischievous, playful, funny, but at the same time, the German original (hundsfutt) is a very ugly swear word, so that it is also understood in Germany.

That wouldn't make us go "back" to Asia, where younger and less successful nations used to send us with condescending pride, although that wouldn't be so horrible either. Asia is identified with barbarism for some reason by Western pedantry, but all cultures originate from there. Not only was the cradle of human civilization rocked in Mesopotamia or the Indus Valley, but all three great monotheistic religions originated there. Abraham or Muhammad was born in Asia just like the savior Jesus Christ.

Even then, the Passa wind was not blowing from Brussels.
