They would be the ones who present themselves as the vanguard of transparency and transparency.

Section 153, paragraph (1) of Act C of 2000 on accounting clearly states that a double-entry bookkeeping entrepreneur registered in the company register - including limited liability companies. non-profit economic company operating in corporate form, including Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., must deposit the annual report/simplified annual report accepted by the body authorized to approve it. Whereas, according to § 154 (1) of the law, every entrepreneur who maintains double-entry bookkeeping is obliged to publish the annual report / simplified annual report.

Based on the laws in force, the obligee must fulfill his deposit and publication obligations by sending the report electronically to the company information service by the last day of the fifth month following the balance sheet date of the given business year - that is, by May 31 of each year. The aim of the legal regulations is to ensure full publicity in order to protect the public interest.

Despite this, Átlátszó (more precisely, its entity, Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.) presents itself as a vanguard of transparency and transparency, and repeatedly calls these values ​​to the attention of state bodies and civil organizations representing conservative values.

has not yet fulfilled its obligation to publish its financial report for the year 2023.

Today we are writing June 26, 2024, which means almost a month's delay, so the question arises as to what the actual reason for the disregard of the legal requirements and the secrecy could be. The suspicion arises involuntarily,

is the left-wing pseudo-civilian organization deliberately delaying its actions so that it becomes clear as soon as possible that shortly before this year's elections exactly where and how much foreign funds it obtained?

There can be no doubt that the clarification of the situation can also be of great importance from the point of view of the protection of our country's sovereignty, especially considering that Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. repeatedly receives significant foreign funds through Átlátszó's other entity, Átlátszónet Alapítvány, or thanks to it.

According to the 2023 financial report of the Átlátszónet Foundation, for example, the foundation supported Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft with HUF 19,672,164 from the USD 240,000 grant it received from the Open Society Institute linked to György Soros.

Management of CÖF-CÖKA

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